
  1. 另一次检索中的直接输入网址与点选搜寻引擎之分类目录的检索成功率较高;

    It is the " directly entering the website address " and " selecting from the search engine 's list of contents " both of which involved using " a single search " that get the highest success rate .

  2. 分类目录思想在信息检索中的应用&先控智能信息检索系统

    Application of Directory Catalog in Information Retrieval " Pre controlled " Intelligent Information Retrieval System

  3. 图书馆职员把收藏的书刊等分类编成目录以便易于检索,并协助借书者找书及具体资料。

    The staff of an institution 's library classify and catalog the materials acquired so that they can be easily retrieved , and provide assistance to the users in finding books or specific information .