
  • 网络separating ring;split ring;breaking ring;break ring
  1. 结晶器和分离环对水平连铸机作业率的影响

    Effect of Mould and Breaking Ring on Operating of Horizontal Continuous Caster

  2. 重载车辆主离合器分离环表面磨损失效机理的研究

    Research on wear mechanism of separating ring of clutch for heavy vehicles

  3. Co~(2+)固载PVA促进传递膜渗透汽化分离环己烯/环己烷的研究

    Study on Fixed - site Carrier PVA Membrane Containing Co ~ 2 + for Pervaporation Separation of Cyclohexane / Cyclohexene

  4. 整体分离环RFQ加速器的研究

    Study of Integral Split Ring Radio Frequency Quadruple ( ISR RFQ ) Accelerators

  5. 水平连铸分离环碎裂的分析和改进措施

    An Analysis on Break of Separating Ring for Horizontal Concasting and Improved Measures

  6. 复合陶瓷材料及分离环的研究与应用

    Application and Study of Ceramic Composites for Break Rings

  7. 表面非均匀磨损是重载车辆主离合器分离环常见的失效形式。

    The nonuniform wear is a popular failure mode of separating ring of heavy vehicle clutch .

  8. 结果表明:分离环弹子槽表面的失效主要原因是冲击式磨粒磨损。

    The results indicated that the wear failure of separating ring was mainly caused by the impact abrasive wear mechanism .

  9. 同时,结合实验数据分析了分离环对法向力及压心的影响。

    Effects of the separating ring on the normal force and the center of pressure also analysed in the light of the experimental data .

  10. 本文提出了一种适用于交叠周期信号的周期检测和信号分离的环移StopGo(SG,停止-进行)自适应数字滤波器。该滤波器对周期信号在频域的交叠程度没有任何要求。

    A loop-shift Stop & Go adaptive digital filter with applications in period detection and signal separation of overlapped periodic signals is presented .

  11. 方法:市售大枣切碎用20%乙醇水提取,pH与有机溶剂协同作用下经过大孔树脂梯度分离纯化环磷酸腺苷。

    Method : Ziziphus Jujuba was cut up and extracted by 20 % ethanol - water solution . The concentrated solution was purified by micro porous resins , with elution of pH and solvent gradient .

  12. 高效液相色谱法直接分离单环β-内酰胺对映体

    Direct Separation of Enantiomers of Monocylic β - Lactams by HPLC

  13. 125-碘标记、双抗体分离的环磷酸鸟苷放射免疫分析技术

    125 - iodine-labelled second antibody separation radioimmunoassay for the cyclic GMP

  14. 南海的黑潮分离流环

    Detached Kuroshio rings in the South China Sea

  15. 方法该组16例孤立性食管静脉瘤患者中男5例,女11例,瘤体大小为0.5~1.0cm,采用可分离式尼龙环套扎装置治疗。

    [ Methods ] A total of 16 cases with esophageal solitary venous dilatation including 5 males and 11 females were studied , the size of venous dilatation is about 0.5 ~ 1.0 cm .

  16. β-环糊精在手性分离与不对称环氧化反应中的应用

    Application of β - cyclodextrin in Chiral Separation and Asymmetric Epoxidation

  17. 内镜下可分离式尼龙环套扎治疗孤立性食管静脉瘤

    Treatment of esophageal solitary venous dilatation with detachable nylon snare ligation under endoscope

  18. 汽水分离再热器环缝焊接质量分析

    Analysis of Welding Quality for Circular Seams of MSR

  19. 胶束相分离模型在环糊精/羧酸酯体系中的应用

    The Application of Micellar Phase Separation Model to Cyclodextrins / Carboxyl Acid Esters Systems

  20. 把这些卡片挂在一个可分离的金属环上,这样你可以把它随时带在身边,方便每天增加卡片,复习单词。

    Keep your cards on a detachable metal ring , so you can carry them around and add to your collection daily .

  21. 分离纯化参环毛蚓中纤溶活性蛋白酶,并对其活性及氨基酸序列进行分析。

    The purpose is to purify thrombolytic enzymes from Pheretima aspergillum ( E.Perrier ), and to analyze their activity and amino acid sequence .

  22. 循环碳化法制备轻质碳酸镁的传质及动力学可分离的碳环化合物环内含七个或七个以下的碳。

    Mass Transfer and Kinetics in Preparation of Light Magnesium Carbonate by Stream-recycling Carbonation Isolable carbocyclic compounds contain seven or fewer carbons in the cycle .

  23. 本论文把这种新型的纳米材料用作修饰电极的界面材料,率先研究了它的电催化、电分离以及复合环糊精之后的分子认知功能。

    In the present dissertation , using CNT as interfacial material , the functionalized CNT electrodes were constructed ; the electrocatalysis and separation of CNT-modified electrodes and its recognition ability after incorporating cyclodextrins ( CD ) were studied firstly .

  24. 为了精确控制具有被动柔顺性末端执行器的平面多关节机器人,提出了一种被动关节与主动关节分离的外环位置/力串行控制策略。

    A kind of passive compliance control strategy was presented to realize the precise inspection of plane multi-joint robot with passive compliance end-effector . The strategy with outer loop position and serial force controlling separates the passive joints from the active joints .

  25. 葛根总黄酮的ADS系列吸附树脂分离比较及其与环糊精包合研究

    Study on the Separation of Total Pueraria Flavones by ADS Adsorption Resin and Their Clathration with Cyclodextrin

  26. 在Orion-KL中的OH脉泽的外流模型:多重分离的旋转膨胀环

    The Out-Flow Model of OH Maser in Orion-KL : Multi-Distinct Rotating and Expanding Rings

  27. 磺化聚乙烯离子交换膜渗透汽化分离二氧六环/水混合物研究

    Studies on the pervaporation separation of dioxane / water mixture by the sulfonated polyethylene ion-exchange membrane

  28. 在此基础上,对关键操作变量和进料扰动的开环动态行为进行了研究,得到了分离系统的开环特性。

    The detailed study of open-loop dynamic behavior about the feed stream and manipulating variables disturbances was discussed .

  29. 该模型采用了分段控制方法,前半阶段对结合油压和分离油压进行开环控制,后半阶段是以涡轮加速度为反馈参数的闭环控制。

    This system uses sectional control . The first stage is an open-loop control for oil pressure of both clutches ; the post stage is a closed-loop control uses the turbine acceleration as a feedback parameter .

  30. 酒石酸酯/β-环糊精分离体系分离α-环己基扁桃酸对映体

    Resolution of α - cyclohexyl mandelic acid enantiomers by enantioselective extraction in separation system containing tartaric esters and β - cyclodextrin