
  • Coupling cavity;【物】coupled resonators
  1. X波段三间隙耦合腔型输出回路间隙阻抗的模拟计算

    Gap Impedance Simulation of X-Band Three-Gap Coupled Cavity Output Circuit

  2. X波段大功率耦合腔行波管3维粒子模拟

    3D PIC simulation of X-band high power coupled cavity traveling wave tube

  3. 微波激励CO2激光器波导耦合腔的研究

    Investigation of the Waveguide Coupled Cavity of a Microwave Excitation CO_2 Laser

  4. X波段耦合腔行波管数值模拟

    The numerical simulation of X-band CCTWT

  5. X波段耦合腔行波管PPM系统设计

    Design of PPM focusing system for X-band coupled cavity TWT

  6. 第一种是基于半波耦合器的环形谐振腔可调谐半导体激光器。本文结合V型耦合腔激光器的游标效应以及环谐振腔提出了半波耦合环形谐振腔可调谐激光器。

    The first one is a tunable semiconductor laser based on half-wave coupled ring resonators with vernier effect .

  7. Ka波段毫米波耦合腔慢波结构高频特性的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of the RF Characteristics of Ka-band Coupled-Cavity Slow Wave Structures

  8. Ka波段耦合腔行波管放大器设计

    The Design of Ka-band Coupled-cavity Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier

  9. Ka波段耦合腔行波管高频耦合系统的模拟

    A Simulation of the Coupling Structures of Ka Band Coupled-Cavity Traveling Wave Tubes

  10. 毫米波耦合腔行波管非旋转轴对称PPM聚焦系统中的横向磁场

    The Transverse Magnetic Fields in an Asymmetric PPM Focusing System for Millimeter-Wave Coupled-Cavity TWTs

  11. Nd∶YAG耦合腔注入锁模激光脉冲列对兔眼损伤效应研究

    Study of damage effects of rabbit eyes induced by coupling cavity injection mode locked Nd ∶ YAG laser pulse train

  12. 等离子体填充周期性耦合腔链后,形成周期性的截止频率为0的等离子体TG模式。

    The periodical CC chain filled with plasma demonstrates periodical TG modes with a cutoff frequency of zero .

  13. 利用MAFIA软件模拟耦合腔慢波结构的冷测特性

    Simulation of CCTWT Slow-Wave Circuits Cold-Test Parameters Using MAFIA Program

  14. MAFIA软件模拟三维耦合腔慢波结构

    Numerical Simulation for Coupled - Cavity Slow - Wave Structure by Using MAFIA Code

  15. 本文的主要工作就是利用大型通用有限元计算软件ANSYS模拟耦合腔行波管慢波结构的热特性和冷测特性并对该软件进行了二次开发。

    The main work of this thesis is simulation of the thermal characteristic and cold-test characteristic for coupled-cavity TWT slow-wave structure with ANSYS , which is a finite-element software .

  16. 4cm大功率耦合腔行波管的研制

    Development of a 4 cm band , High Power Coupled - Cavity TWT

  17. 目的研究鼓膜穿孔对真耳-耦合腔差(Realeartocouplerdifference,RECD)的影响,探讨鼓膜穿孔患者RECD值的变化情况,为临床验配助听器提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of adults ' tympanic membrane perforation on Real-Ear To Coupler Difference in order to provide some reference for hearing aids fitting .

  18. 用这种设计技术成功设计出了多种耦合腔行波管放大器,在功率和体积方面突破了原有的Ka波段固态和螺旋线行波管放大器的局限,取得了明显的进步。

    The technology advancement achieved in the radar programs is being leveraged to design Ka-band amplifiers that surpass power limitation of existing solid state or helix TWT systems .

  19. 利用微波波导耦合腔激励CO2激光器,具有结构简单、放电阈值功率低、易调谐和阻抗匹配的特点。

    CO2 laser microwave excitation through a waveguide coupled cavity is presented . It has the characteristics of simple structure and low discharge break-down power , and is easy to realize frequency tuning and impedence matching .

  20. 进一步,我们将腔内含单个原子情形推广到含N个原子的情形,并利用平均场近似研究了这个光纡耦合腔阵系统的量子相变问题,得到了腔内不同原子数情形的相图。

    Moreover , we generalize the one-atom case to the N-atom case and use the mean field approximation to explore the quantum phase transition in this many body system . The phase di-agrams are obtained for cases with different numbers of atoms in single cavity .

  21. 利用反应离子刻蚀(RIE)技术刻蚀激光器腔面,获得集成式沟槽耦合腔AlGaAs/GaAs激光器,在室温下实现CW稳定单模运转。

    Monolithic groove-coupled-cavity AlGaAs / GaAs lasers were fabricated by using the technique of reactive ion etched of laser facets . CW stable single mode operation room temperature were observed .

  22. 本文描述使用迈克尔逊干涉仪非线性耦合腔的内腔二次谐波产生(SHG)的新方法.在KTP晶体中获得65%的平均内腔倍频转换效率。

    A new method of intracavity second-harmonic generation ( SHG ) in the Michelson interferometric nonlinear coupled cavities is described and an average intracavity doubling conversion efficiency of 65 percent in KTP crystal is achieved .

  23. 基于耦合腔的VCSOA增益带宽优化及其交叉增益调制

    The Gain Bandwidth Optimization Design and the Cross-Gain Modulation of Vertical-Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Based on the New Coupled Cavities

  24. 鼓膜穿孔对真耳&耦合腔差(RECD)的影响多孔气膜冷却纵向耦合涡的数值模拟

    The Effects of Tympanic Membrane Perforation on Real-Ear to Coupler Difference ; Numerical Simulation in Lengthways Coupled-vortex of Multiple Holes

  25. 在反射模式下,结合其衬底折射率,就可以计算出耦合腔VCSOA的信号增益及增益带宽。

    Combining the refractive index of substrate , the gain and bandwidth characteristics of the coupled cavities VCSOA is achieved in reflection mode .

  26. 但是耦合腔与H2腔相比,谐振腔模减少,主谐振模式的峰值强度增加,更容易实现单模发光。因而更适用于提高nc-Ge/Si的发光效率。

    Moreover , comparing to H_2 cavity , the number of resonant cavity modes reduces and the peak intensity of main mode increases for coupled defect cavity , which is more apt to improve the emission efficiency of Ge / Si ( quantum ) dots .

  27. 着重介绍了谐振性耦合腔输出通路的设计(简称RCCO),并给出实际热测结果。

    The paper especially introduces design of the resonant coupled cavity output circuit ( RCCO ) and simultaneously gives results of hot-test .

  28. 气体激光器波导耦合腔的研制与测试

    Development and measurement on the waveguide coupled resonators of gas laser

  29. 半导体耦合腔激光器的波长调谐与频率调制特性分析

    Characteristics of Wavelength Tuning and Frequency Modulation of Coupled-Cavity Diode Lasers

  30. 等离子体-腔混合模耦合腔行波管非线性注-波互作用分析

    Nonlinear beam-wave interaction in coupled-cavity TWT working in plasma-cavity hybrid mode