
yǐn chū
  • lead to;extraction;elicit;create;drawing off;give rise to;draw forth
引出 [yǐn chū]
  • [give rise to;creat;draw forth;lead to] 从中总结出、作出或得到

  • 引出正确的结论

引出[yǐn chū]
  1. 引出假设,进行实验探究,论证;

    Draw forth the hypothesis and test with experiment ;

  2. 这部分无非是采他山之石,引出对不动产执行的特殊方法。

    This part is no more than imitating other countries ' methods to draw forth the special measures of real estate execution .

  3. 她看上去营养不良,这一发现又引出了一个未被问及的问题。

    She was undernourished , an observation that prompted yet another unasked question

  4. 这种措词可能会引出歧义。

    The wording is likely to lead to ambiguity .

  5. 断裂力学的应用,将直接引出无损检验技术的应用。

    Applications in fracture mechanics lead directly to applications to the nondestructive testing of structures .

  6. 这就引出了,如我们将要看到的,伴随方程的概念。

    This led , as we shall see , to the concept of the adjoint equation .

  7. 机器人的决定及其计算方式引出了一个重要问题。

    The robot 's decision and its calculated approach raise an important question .

  8. 你或许会发现用同情的方法,可引出更友善及更温和的行为。

    You might find that a sympathetic approach elicits kinder and gentler behavior .

  9. 这款爽口的葡萄酒引出绿豆般清新的香气

    This zesty and refreshing wine offers a freshly cut grass nose , herbaceous green bean .

  10. 尽管研究结果引出的问题可能比它们给出的答案多,但研究确实进一步证实了这样一个观点:即使对科学家来说,大自然也是一个变幻莫测的研究对象。

    But while the results may raise more questions than they answer , it does reinforce the idea that even for scientists , nature is a constantly moving target .

  11. 考虑电荷交换的RF共振离子引出方法的模拟

    Simulation of ion extraction by RF resonance method with charge exchange

  12. 第二,是研究了分布式IDS系统中的代理机制,引出了实体的概念,探讨了其分类和逻辑结构;

    Second , researches the entity based on DIDS ' agent mechanism ;

  13. 考虑溅射损失的RF共振法离子引出和收集

    Ions extraction and collection using the RF resonance method and taking into consideration the sputtering loss

  14. AVLIS离子引出j×B驱动法数值模拟

    AVLIS ion collection simulation using the j × B driven scheme

  15. 通过对各个处理步骤迭代求精,从而引出各数据处理步骤中间运算结果及滤波系数的最佳字长及Q值。

    After iterative refinement of each processing step , the optimal word-length and Q-Value of each intermediate results and coefficients are evolved .

  16. 然后,由CMM及其相关理论引出对我国中小型软件企业现状进行分析,并进一步研究CMM在我国中小型软件企业中应用的适用性。

    Secondly , the application into small and medium sized software enterprise in china is discussed .

  17. 与离子引出方法中传统的平行板电场相比,RF共振法使得引出的离子流加大,离子引出时间显著缩短。

    Compared with parallel plate static electric field method of ion extraction , RF resonance method increases the ion flux and shortens the extraction time .

  18. 由采样速率的问题,引出多MCU的I2C总线结构。

    I2C bus structure of multi-MCU is described , which comes from sampling speed debate .

  19. 同时引出了整体制度及囊括稳定与发展涵义的、新的制度功效(球F)概念。

    In the meanwhile , the total institution and the new institution function ( sphere f ) including the significance of the steadiness and development have been introduced .

  20. 模拟发现,磁场为零时的RF共振法不论从离子引出时间还是从碰撞损失率看都是几种方法中最好的;其次是改进M型电极法。

    The simulations show that , the RF resonance method without magnetic field is the best among others , then the improved M type electrode method .

  21. 一个引出Fibonacci数列的新问题

    New Question Caused by the Fibonacci Sequences

  22. 本文先是从数据挖掘理论引出Web挖掘的概念,并讨论了Web挖掘的流程和分类等,接着阐述了Web挖掘中的文本挖掘,并详细论述了文本分类、超文本分类。

    This paper firstly introduces the conception of web mining based on data mining theories and discusses the flow and categorization of web mining . Then it elaborates the text mining , the text and hypertext classification .

  23. 研制成的新型电子倍增器(CEM)或离子束偏转裸规,具有扁栅及最佳离子引出缝电离系统。

    A miniature nude ionization gauge with a cylindrical electron multiplier ( CEM ) was developed .

  24. 本文对大区域三维地形快速绘制的常用方法进行了介绍,并引出LoD模型。

    In this dissertation , LoD model is proposed , with many traditional methods to render the large scale terrain real-time introduced .

  25. 该测试图形由物理分析及工艺参数测试结构、器件参数测试结构等部分组成,测试结构的探脚采用阵列式引出,适合2×N探卡进行探测。

    The pattern consists of three structures , which are physics analysis , process parameter test and device parameter test . Pads of three structures are arranged in matrix form so that 2 × N probe-board can be used .

  26. 介绍NDIS(网络驱动接口规范)的基本概念,引出NDIS的层次结构。

    This paper introduces basic conceptions of NDIS ( Network Driver Interface Specification ) and its system hierarchy .

  27. 分析并提出基于音频流的多媒体数据检索方法和关键技术,在此基础上提出软件实现的框架:自动从Web中引出各种包含音频流的多媒体数据并为其中的音频流建立索引;

    Retrieval method and technology of the multimedia data based on audio stream are analyzed and proposed . The frame of their software realization is proposed : derive multimedia data that contain audio stream from the Web and establish index for the audio stream ;

  28. 本文以委托一代理理论、企业家人力资本要素理论、产权激励理论为基础,从中引出MBO的经济学动因,即企业家为实现其人力资本价值,对剩余索取权的追求促使产权革命。

    This thesis is based on these theories including entrusts-act theory , human capital theory and ownership theory , and bring up the motive and reason of MBO .

  29. 第一章介绍CIMS大环境,CIMS的主要指导思想,并引出个性产品的介绍,探讨了现阶段个性产品的实现层次。

    The first chapter introduced CIMS environment , the main CIMS guiding ideology , and lead to individual product , then discussed the realization level of individual product of the present stage .

  30. 本论文先是对当前通信的发展进行了简略的描述,从而引出本文研究的中心&自适应调制编码(AMC)。

    At first , the paper gives a brief overview to the current development of the communication and focus on the adaptive modulation and coding ( AMC ) .