
  • 网络guide shoe;stinger;casing guide shoe
  1. 为解决上述问题,研制开发出开放式开窗捞筒打捞器。该打捞器由上接箍、窗舌、筒身、导向槽及引鞋组成。

    The overshot is comprised of upper collar , tongue , body , guiding groove and fishing guide .

  2. 针对测井仪器的引鞋种类单一,测井仪器下井过程时常发生阻卡,导致多次通井及重复处理,影响工作进度并使成本增加的问题,研制了滚动式被动牙轮测井畅通器。

    The well logging tool is often blocked when it goes down or up in downhole , so a trip unblocking apparatus for the well logging tool in downhole is developed .