
qiǎ zuàn
  • jamming of a drilling tool;sticking of tool
卡钻[qiǎ zuàn]
  1. 同时又能有效的测其卡钻力,配之适宜的钻井液,控制降低其摩擦系数达到排除故障的目的。

    At the same time , it also can measure the sticking of tool force , mix feasible drilling fluids , control , and reduce the friction factor of it in order to remove the fault .

  2. 采用人工神经网络模型中BP模型对现场的钻井工况进行卡钻预测,并开发了人工神经网络实时卡钻预测系统软件。

    BP model in artificial nerve net model is adopted to predict stuck operating mode in drilling well and artificial nerve net software in predicting system is developed in the paper .

  3. WR45-2D井是一口地热开发定向并,起钻工井深586.97m处发生键槽卡钻。

    The well ( WR 45-2D ) is a geothermal development directional well . A keyseat sticking happened at the depth of 586 . 97m , which can not be released by running bumper jars .

  4. 比如破碎性地层,井下掉块常常导致常规设计的PDC钻头出现卡钻现象,严重的甚至会造成钻头掉齿、断刀翼等井下事故。

    Take the broken formations as an example , the block in the well often leads to conventional PDC bits to be stuck . More seriously , the tooth or the blade may drop during the drilling operation .

  5. 如何使用卡钻诊断与预测专家系统StuckES

    How to use StuckES & an expert system for diagnosis and prediction of sticking

  6. 深直井中卡钻趋势的实时监测

    Early detection on the trend of pipe sticking in deep well

  7. 海底大位移井井眼净化程度和卡钻可能性监测

    Monitoring Wellbore Cleaning Degree and Sticking Possibility in Offshore Extended Wells

  8. 你记得发生卡钻的那个班吗?

    Do you remember the tour when the sticking took place ?

  9. 测卡松扣系统在处理卡钻事故中的应用

    Application of Sticking indicating & Thread breaking out System in Sticking Treatment

  10. 对潜孔钻机卡钻机理进行了探讨。

    The rock-drilling jamming mechanism of down-the-hole drill is discussed .

  11. 钻柱中加接扩孔器解决缩径卡钻

    Reaming Machine Added to Solve Diameter-Shrinkage Bit Blocking in Drilling

  12. 钻井卡钻事故预测及诊断专家系统模型的建立与实现

    Development and application of sticking prediction and diagnosis expert system

  13. 潜孔钻机凿岩过程自动防卡钻控制

    The Automatic Anti-Jamming Control in Rock-Drilling process for Down-The-Hole Drill

  14. 现在这里采取了各种措施来防卡钻。

    How many wells are drilled here every year ?

  15. 他愿意把卡钻的情况告诉我们。

    He would tell us the information of sticking .

  16. 在这个地区打井,卡钻一直是个复杂问题。

    Sticking pipe has been being a complicated problem in drilling this area .

  17. 基于关联模型的钻井卡钻事故仿真与预测控制方法研究

    Research on Drilling Accident Sticking Simulation and Predictive Control Method Based on Correlate Model

  18. 地面振击解除卡钻的研究

    A Study in the Detachment of Seized Drill Bit by Vibratory Shocks from Ground Surface

  19. Simba261型潜孔钻机非正常卡钻的原因及其控制方法

    Causes for Abnormal Jamming of Drill Tools of Simba 261 DTH Drill and Control Measures

  20. 压差卡钻是定向钻井施工中最容易发生的卡钻事故之一。

    Differential pressure pipe-sticking is one of the most common faults in directional well operations .

  21. 我们一直到了解了卡钻的原因后才回来。

    We do not come back until we had known all the reasons for sticking .

  22. 提高钻具处置缩径卡钻能力的技术措施

    Technical measure for enhancing treating ability of drilling tools for drilling pipe sticking by section reducing

  23. 在钻井工程中,盐岩层井眼易发生缩径卡钻。

    In drilling engineering , drill pipe often sticks in salt formation because of wellbore shrinkage .

  24. 鄚东地区钻井过程中经常发生垮塌、卡钻、井漏等复杂事故。

    Mao east area frequently takes place sloughing hole , pipe-stuck , lost circulation in drilling operation .

  25. 钻孔钻进中吸附卡钻事故的原因及处理方法

    The Causes of and Treating Methods for the Accident of the Absorbed Jamming of the Drilling Tool

  26. 文摘:塔河油田水平井钻井过程中,曾多次发生卡钻事故。

    Abstract : Several Sticking accidents happen in the course of drilling horizontal wells in Tahe Oilfield .

  27. 防止盐岩卡钻传统的措施是采用饱和盐水泥浆,阻止盐岩溶解,加大泥浆密度,减缓盐岩向井眼方向的流动,防止缩径。

    The conventional approach to avoid stuck in salt formation is to use high density saturated brine mud .

  28. 一起冲击钻成孔灌注桩卡钻事故的分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of an Accident of Blocking Bore of Excavated Hole Driven Cast-in-Place Pile by Percussion Drill

  29. 在套损井中,由于套管变形、结垢等因素,进一步加大了封隔器卡钻的可能性。

    The probability of packer sticking is increased because of the casing deformation and crustation in casing failure well .

  30. 该系统能大大提高潜孔钻机对卡钻判别的准确性和处理的快速性。

    The accuracy of distinguish jamming types and the speed of handling jamming of this system have improved a lot .