
  • 网络kamov
  1. 在与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)进行会晤后,两位领导人宣布达成协议,将在印度制造由俄罗斯设计的卡莫夫(Kamov)直升机,并为由俄罗斯国家原子能公司(Rosatom)建造的新核电厂选址。

    Following a meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin , the two leaders announced deals to build Russian-designed Kamov helicopters in India and for the location of a new nuclear power plant to be built by Russian state nuclear company Rosatom .

  2. 由于一些历史原因,卡莫夫拒绝采用米里设计局的直升机的平通机舱设计,以及机身外侧油箱,导致一个巨大的油箱占据了卡-27的机舱的中央位置。

    And according to some historical reasons , Kamov refused to use the Mil helicopter 's flat cabin and fuselage fuel tank , so a large fuel tank sets in the center of the cabin .