
  • Carlos;Roberto Carlos;Carlos the Jackal;caross
  1. 卡洛斯老早就离开了。

    Carlos left ages ago .

  2. 我把你错当成卡洛斯了。

    I mistook you for Carlos

  3. 我对他说:“卡洛斯,今晚e小姐上哪了?”

    I says to him ," carlos , where 's lady e tonight ?"

  4. 在电动汽车上下注最多的人可能当属日产公司的CEO卡洛斯•高森。

    Arguably the biggest bet on EVs is by Carlos Ghosn , CEO of Nissan ( nsany ) .

  5. 日产(Nissan)CEO卡洛斯高森2010年曾预测道,到2014年,日产将在全球卖出50万辆聆风(Leaf)电动车。

    In 2010 , CEO Carlos Ghosn predicted Nissan would be selling 500,000 leafs worldwide by 2014 .

  6. 产业工人卡洛斯(Carlos)表示:我们的工作不由我们决定,而是取决于政府部门的目标方针。

    Our work does not depend on us but on orientations from the ministry .

  7. 卫冕冠军阿根廷除了斯科拉和卡洛斯-德尔菲诺之外,没有其他NBA球员入选。

    The defending Olympic champion , Argentina , will be without all its NBA players except Luis Scola and Carlos Delfino .

  8. CarlosRodriguez(卡洛斯-罗德里格斯)-你引导我超越极限。

    Carlos Rodriguez - for pushing me beyond the limits I thought I could reach 。

  9. 本田CEO卡洛斯o高森一边督促高管团队努力实现他的“三年计划”目标,一边培养继承人。

    Focused now on his legacy , CEO Carlos Ghosn drives executives even harder to meet targets in his latest three-year plan while he grooms a successor .

  10. 雷诺公司(RenaultSA)首席运营官卡洛斯•塔瓦雷斯上周四宣布离职。

    Carlos Tavares , chief operating officer of Renault SA and second-in-command to Carlos Ghosn , stepped down from his post on Thursday .

  11. 法国雷诺(Renault)和日本日产(Nissan)的首席执行官卡洛斯o戈恩已经确立目标:在2020年推出一款无人驾驶汽车。

    Carlos Ghosn , chief executive officer of Renault and Nissan , has targeted 2020 for introduction of a driverless model .

  12. 在《福布斯》亿万富翁榜上,印度人占据了前八位中的四个,墨西哥的卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)超过比尔•盖茨(BillGates)成为全球第二富豪。

    Indians already hold four of the top eight slots on the Forbes billionaire list , while Mexico 's Carlos Slim has surpassed Bill Gates to claim the No.2 spot .

  13. 日产公司CEO卡洛斯•高森本来计划参加在八月底参加本次活动的一个环节,但由于公司高层闹起了内讧需要他亲自弹压,因而只能遗憾缺席。

    Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn was scheduled to attend a 360 session at the end of August but became a no-show when he had to tamp down an uprising in his executive ranks .

  14. 简要介绍了卡洛斯管熔样法、Os的CCl4提取、溴提取和微蒸馏方法。

    The Carius tube digestion , solvent extraction of Os by CCl 4 , selective extraction of Os by liquid bromine , and micro distillation were briefly described .

  15. 卡洛斯:Gaby,为抢个娃娃出来,你差点把我们都害死。

    Carlos : Gaby , you almost got us killed pulling a doll out of the car .

  16. 当拍摄水星中央巨大的卡洛斯盆地时,MESSENGER发现了一个陨石坑,如上图所示,可以看到从它的中心放射出一组奇怪的射线。

    When imaging the center of Mercury 's extremely large Caloris Basin , MESSENGER found a crater , pictured above , with a set of unusual rays emanating out from its center .

  17. 今天我们最后一位获得咨询理学硕士学位的是,正向着舞台走来的卡洛斯-莫拉和他的狗狗Kirsch。

    Our last counseling degree graduate to walk across the stage tonight is Carlos Mora and his service dog Kirsch .

  18. 由于Kirsch每堂课都和卡洛斯坐在一起,他们俩都将被授予心理健康咨询硕士学位。

    Since Kirsch sat through every class with Carlos , both will be receiving a master 's degree in mental health counseling .

  19. 同时一向精力充渍的卡洛斯•高森也已将日产公司(Nissan)打造成了电动汽车领域的龙头企业。

    Toyota is getting a jolt of energy from Akio Toyoda , scion of the founding family , while the ever-energetic Carlos Ghosn has made Nissan the leader in electric cars .

  20. 美国明尼苏达大学医学院(UniversityofMinnesotaMedicalSchool)的精神病学家、睡眠专家卡洛斯·H·申克(CarlosH.Schenck)博士说,某些梦发生在所谓的“混合睡眠”,也就是俗话说的半睡半醒状态下。

    Some dream episodes occur during what is known as " mixed-state sleep " - when the boundaries between wakefulness and sleep become fragmented , said Dr. Carlos H. Schenck , a psychiatrist and sleep expert at the University of Minnesota Medical School .

  21. 只有卡洛斯•戈恩,作为横跨两个大洲的汽车联盟雷诺-日产(Renault-Nissan)的掌门人,拥有成为国际名人的气场和毅力。

    Only Carlos Ghosn , he of the two-continent Renault-Nissan alliance , has the wattage and the willpower for global star power .

  22. 在首席执行官这个位置上,入选《财富》2013年梦之队的是百威英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)首席执行官卡洛斯•布里托。

    In the chief executive officer slot , fortune picked Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) CEO Carlos Brito for the 2013 dream team .

  23. 10年前,为拯救日产,雷诺汽车公司(RenaultAG)购买了日产的大量股份,之后,卡洛斯•戈恩接手日产,出任首席执行官。

    Perceptions have changed steadily during the tenure of Carlos Ghosn , who took over as chief executive officer more than a decade ago when Renault Ag bought a major stake in the automaker as part of a rescue effort .

  24. 这项活动自1月16日开始,于本周六结束,它与艺术展会相比,可谓经济实惠,创意来自凡妮莎·卡洛斯(VanessaCarlos),她是伦敦画廊卡洛斯/石川(Carlos/Ishikawa)的联合创始人。

    The event , which began Jan. 16 and ends on Saturday , was conceived by Vanessa Carlos , a co-founder of the London gallery Carlos / Ishikawa , as a cost-effective alternative to fairs .

  25. 多米尼加共和国巴纳商学院(BarnaBusinessSchool)教务主任卡洛斯•马蒂•桑吉斯(CarlosMartíSanchis)称,像他所在学院这样的加勒比和中美洲商学院,在古巴商学院学生可能感兴趣的一些学科上具备专长,例如旅游业。

    Carlos Mart í Sanchis , academic director at Barna Business School in the Dominican Republic , claims that Caribbean and central American schools like his have expertise in subjects that would likely be of interest to Cuban business students , such as tourism .

  26. 卡洛斯:我问过Wyner医生,她说第一次之后你就再也没去过,为什么不去?

    Carlos : I talked to Dr. Wyner . She said that you haven 't been back since the first session . Why not ?

  27. 正如伊卡洛斯(Icarus)在飞近太阳时看到他的蜡质羽翼逐渐融化,随着有关卢拉石油政策的争议猛增,他正在拿自己的政治遗产冒险。

    Just as Icarus saw his wings of wax melt as he flew too close to the sun , so Mr Lula is risking his legacy as controversies multiply over his petroleum policies .

  28. 在非正式场合穿戴无尾礼服的元素就是其中一个部分,登喜路(Dunhill)男装设计主管卡洛斯•德弗赖塔斯(CarlosdeFreitas)表示,这源自一种对放松和自我表现的需求。

    Wearing elements of black tie out of context is part of that , says Carlos de Freitas , head of men 's wear design for Dunhill . It stems from a demand for more relaxation and self-expression .

  29. 今年春天,卡洛斯-莫拉获得了咨询理学硕士的学位。他的爱犬Kirsch也因为陪伴主人参加了每一堂课而获得了荣誉硕士学位。

    When Carlos Mora received his Masters of Science in Counseling this spring , his service dog , Kirsch , was also awarded an honorary degree for having attended all of his owner 's classes .

  30. 安海斯-布希英博(Anheuser-BuschInBev)的卡洛斯•布里托是我选出的首席执行官沟通达人:他是巴西人,带领着一个来自美洲腹地的啤酒公司,但他的信息和风格适合全球观众。

    Carlos Brito of Anheuser-Busch InBev ( bud ) is my CEO PICK : he is a Brazilian heading up a beer business from the American heartland but his message and style speak to audiences around the world .