
  • 网络The Carter Center;Epcot Center
  1. 她赢得一个比赛,得以前去参加乔治亚州卡特中心(CarterCenter)的专门会议,还见到了吉米·卡特(JimmyCarter)。

    She prevailed in a contest to attend a special conference at the Carter Center in Georgia and to meet Jimmy Carter .

  2. 他曾任美国疟疾控制和预防中心(CDC)主任、CDC根除天花规划主任和卡特中心执行主任。

    He was Director of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), Chief of the CDC Smallpox Eradication Program , and Executive Director of The Carter Center .

  3. 通过IFES及包括全国民主协会,亚洲基金会,卡特中心等的其他合作伙伴,

    Through IFES and other partners , including the National Democratic Institute , The Asia Foundation , and The Carter Center ,

  4. 卡特中心,健康计划,沙眼。

    The Carter Center , Health Programs , Trachoma .

  5. 报道说,卡特中心是这位美国前总统建立的非营利研究机构。该机构一位发言人表示,他们不便对卡特先生的私人信函发表评论。

    A Carter Center spokesman said the center does not comment on Carter 's private correspondence .

  6. 卡特中心还支持了数个面向中国人的网站,旨在增加政治讨论提高透明度。

    It also supports several websites for Chinese people aimed at increasing political debate and transparency .

  7. 此行不过是卡特中心促进中东和平的整体项目的一部分。

    This is a mission we take as part of the overall Carter Center project to promote peace in the region .

  8. 卡特中心部分人对书中的不实之处令员是颇有微辞,甚至有中心主管怒而辞职。

    A former director of the Carter Centre resigned as one of the centre 's fellows in protest at its inaccuracies .

  9. 卡特中心基金会表示,访问古巴的要求来自哈瓦那政府。

    Mr. Carter 's foundation , the Carter Center , says the invitation to visit Cuba came from the government in Havana .

  10. 来自卡特中心以及西非经济共同体国家的选举观察员表示,投票很大程度上是自由和公正的。

    Electoral observers from the Carter Center and the Economic Community of West African States say the vote was largely free and fair .

  11. 卡罗尔是“卡特中心”国际观察小组的一名官员。他说,总体来说投票情况相当平静。

    An official with a team of international observers from the Carter Center , David Carroll , said the polling was largely calm .

  12. 中国是卡特中心的早期受益者,并且在十多年来,卡特中心已帮助中国标准化了其乡村选举程序。

    China was an early beneficiary of the Carter Center , and for more than a decade , it has helped China standardize its village-level election procedures .

  13. 卡罗尔说,卡特中心的观察员在投票中仅发现了一些孤立的违法行为,并希望这些结果能被各方都接受。

    Carroll said Carter Center observers had seen only a few isolated irregularities during the polling and expressed hope that the results would be accepted by all .

  14. 他的慈善机构“阿尔瓦利德博慈善基金会“的合作对象包括比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会以及前总统吉米·卡特创办的卡特中心。

    His charity group , Alwaleed Philanthropies , has worked with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Carter Center , founded by former president Jimmy Carter .

  15. 自此,他便一心投身于利好事业,依靠卡特中心监督选举并解决世界各地冲突。

    Since then he has devoted his career to good causes , mainly through the Carter Centre , which helps to monitor elections and resolve conflicts around the world .

  16. 美国卡特中心的选举观察人士大卫。博迪说,这使得总统当选人和议员合作的能力比他的个人成功更重要。

    Electoral observer David Pottie from the U.S. - based Carter Center says that makes the presidential winner 's ability to work with lawmakers even more crucial to his success .

  17. 此后,她受邀在美国著名智库做研究工作,其中包括卡特中心、卡耐基国际和平基金会及布鲁金斯学会等等。

    She was also invited to do research work by a number of distinguished American institutions including the Carter Center , the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , and the Brookings Institution .

  18. “明年,我们将研究象卡特中心这样一个小小机构如何能与中国这样一个国家合作来处理非洲的人道主义,主要是保健问题”。

    Next year , we will be exploring how a tiny organization like the Carter Center can work together with the nation of China to deal with humanitarian , primarily health , problems in Africa .

  19. 我怀着一种深挚的感激之情接受这一奖项。我要感谢我的妻子罗莎琳、我在卡特中心的同事们和许多其他继续寻求终结全世界黎力和苦难的人们。

    It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I accept this prize . I am grateful to my wife Rosalynn , to my colleagues at the Carter Center , and to many others who continue to seek an end to violence and suffering throughout the world .

  20. 卡特国际贸易中心迈克?威尔逊。

    Mike Wilson of Cart International Trade Center .

  21. 民主党人卡特于1977年到1981年担任美国总统。一直以来,他通过亚特兰大的卡特中心积极致力于解决国际冲突。卡特在2002年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。

    Mr. Carter , a Democrat who held the White House from 1977 to 1981 , has been active in international conflict resolution through his Atlanta-based Carter Center and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 .