
gǔ dòu
  • antrum tympanicum;tympanic antrum;antrum mastoideum
鼓窦[gǔ dòu]
  1. 颞骨CT扫描示病变主要集中在上鼓室和鼓窦,4例病变充满乳突气房及鼓室、鼓窦。

    The pathologic changes in the epitympanum and mastoid antrum were evident on temporal bones CT scan .

  2. 中耳胆脂瘤的CT表现为:(1)鼓室、鼓窦内软组织影和骨质破坏;

    CT findings of cholesteatoma of the middle ear :( 1 ) abnormal soft-tissue in tympanic cavity and antrum and bone erosion ;

  3. 鼓窦口开放替代耳咽管通气功能

    Opened Aditus ad Antrum Replacing Obstructed Eustachian Tube

  4. 鼓窦径路48例先天性外耳道、中耳畸形手术疗效分析

    Effect of surgical reconstruction of congenital aural atresia via the mastoid antrum approach : analysis of 48 cases

  5. 12例出现鼓窦扩大、上鼓室外侧壁破坏、听骨链侵蚀、鼓室天盖及面神经水平段暴露等骨质破坏。

    In most cases , enlarged aditus , destruction of lateral attic wall , erosion of ossicular chain , exposition of horizontal segment of facial nerve and tegmen of attic were found .

  6. 结果:多角度、多平面立体地显示正常中耳听骨链、面神经管、鼓室壁、鼓窦入口、锥隆起、卵圆窗、圆窗等结构,均表现基本一致。

    Results : The chain of ossicles , facial canal , paries tympanicus , aditus ad antrum , eminentia papillaris , oval window and round window of normal ear were volumetric displayed in multi-angle and multi-plan view with spiral CT .