
  1. 出口退税政策是一项财政激励措施,已经为WTO许多成员国所采用,具有其它鼓励出口的措施所不具备的优势;

    Second , as a financial incentive measure , export rebate policy has being adopted by many countries of WTO , and it has unique predominance as compared with the other export incentives ;

  2. 在这种情况下,我们坚持人民币不贬值,果断采取一系列鼓励出口的政策措施。

    Still , we refused to devalue the RMB and took a series of resolute policies and measures to encourage exports .

  3. 落实鼓励外贸出口的政策措施。

    The policy measures for encouraging exports must be fully carried out .

  4. 出口退税是一个国家鼓励外贸出口的重要措施之一,中国的出口退税政策从1950年开始实施,后经多次修改完善,最近的修改是在2003年。

    Export drawback is one of the most important measures by which the country encourages foreign trade exportation .