
gǔ zhàng
  • meteorism;tympanites;ballooning;tympania, tympanism;bulge
鼓胀 [gǔ zhàng]
  • [tympanites;distension of abdomen] 一作臌胀。指腹部胀大、腹皮青筋显露、四肢不肿(或微肿)的病症

鼓胀[gǔ zhàng]
  1. 结论:1.类似腹水表现的疾病古代名称多与水有关,元、明之后渐以鼓胀概称。

    In ancient times the name of the disease that has symptom like ascites often related " dampness " . It Gradually to Collectively referred to as " tympanites " since the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty .

  2. 系统的分析了鼓胀病的病名、病因、病机、治疗等诸多方面问题,力求从整体上认识鼓胀病证治的发展规律,为今后的研究奠定文献基础。

    This paper analyses the name , etiology , pathogenesis , treatment , and so many problems of TymPanites , and strive to overall understanding of the disease permits the development of governance for future research laid the basis of the literature .

  3. 伊罗步履蹒跚地走近,肚子鼓胀凸出。

    Jiro waddled closer , his belly bulging and distended

  4. 目的探讨自拟鼓胀方对肝硬化(LC)腹水的治疗作用。

    Objective To study the therapeutic effects of self-drafted Guzhang prescription in treatment of patients of liver cirrhosis ( LC ) and ascites .

  5. 阀控铅酸(VRLA)电池在边际网中使用容易出现以下问题:夏天的高温,容易引起电池失水、热失控、鼓胀等;NET系统的发展,操作系统的结构。NET运行的系统模型的方法。

    The valve-regulated lead acid ( VRLA ) battery applied in the boundary net would appear the following problems , such as water loss , thermal run away and inflation because of high temperature in the summer .

  6. 对发生明显鼓胀变形的焦炭塔进行了表面检查、筒壁厚度测量、X-射线检测(RT)、渗透检测(PT)、硬度测定、机械性能测试、化学成分分析、金相分析。

    For obvious bulging deformed coking tower , the surface detection , wall thickness measurement , X-ray testing ( RT ), penetrative testing ( PT ), hardness measurement , mechanical test , chemical composition analysis , and metallographic examination were made .

  7. 铸铁压缩试样的鼓胀变形分析

    Study on Drum Deformation of Compressed Sample Made from Cast Iron

  8. 结论鼓胀片有较好的抗肝纤维化作用。

    Conclusion Guzhangpian ( tympany tablet ) has a better anti-liver-fibrosis effect .

  9. 气体尤其会在腹部鼓胀起来。

    The gases may puff up the belly in particular .

  10. 鳞茎状的:形状象鳞茎的;圆形的或鼓胀的。

    Bulbous : Resembling a bulb in shape ; rounded or swollen .

  11. 焦碳塔的鼓胀、裂纹容限及寿命预测

    A Study on Crack Tolerance of Coke Tower and Its Life Prediction

  12. 风吹著他的衬衫使之鼓胀的跟气球一样。

    His shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it .

  13. 焦炭塔鼓胀变形分析与安全评定

    Bulging Deformation Analysis and Safety Assessment of Coking Tower

  14. 空分设备冷箱鼓胀变形的发生和预防

    Swollen distrotion of the cold box in an air separation unit and preventives

  15. 他用铅笔轻轻敲了敲有问题的鼓胀部分。

    He tapped the offending bulge with a pencil .

  16. 焦炭塔鼓胀与开裂变形机理及疲劳断裂寿命预测的研究进展

    Research Progress of Bulging and Cracking Mechanisms and Remaining Life Evaluation for Coke Drums

  17. 热带美洲一年生草本植物,在鼓胀的荚里成熟的种子哗哗响。

    Tropical American annual herb having an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle .

  18. 因此,前臂又大又粗,他的双肩把晚礼服撑得鼓胀鼓胀的。

    Now he had tremendous forearms and his shoulders bulged the jacket of his tux .

  19. 让榛子果仁香甜饱满,让葫芦肚皮滚圆鼓胀;

    To swell the gourd , and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel ;

  20. 焦炭塔在运行若干年后出现严重的鼓胀与开裂。

    Coke drums are subject to severe bulging and cracking after a few years of operation .

  21. 目的探讨鼓胀片抗肝纤维化的临床疗效。

    Objective To discuss the clinical therapeutic effectiveness of anti-liver-fibrosis of Guzhangpian ( tympany tablet ) .

  22. 本文提出了斜裂纹鼓胀效应修正系数公式。

    In this paper we present a relation for the bulge effect factor of declivous cracks .

  23. 在苛刻的作业工况下,焦炭塔运行若干年后会出现筒体鼓胀变形。

    In slashing running conditions , the bulging deformation of coke drums may appear after some years .

  24. 直立半灌木,浅紫色花,成熟的种子在鼓胀的荚里哗哗响;印度。

    Erect subshrub having purple-tinted flowers and an inflated pod in which the ripe seeds rattle ; India .

  25. 作者认为有很多的合理的生物解释证明胆石症与鼓胀的腰围有关。

    The authors suggest that there are plausible biological explanations for a link between gallstones and the midriff bulge .

  26. 伴随着含石量的下降,土石混合体破坏形式会由鼓胀破坏过渡为剪切破坏。

    With decreased content of stone , the failure mode of specimen will from share failure turn into bulging failure .

  27. 鼓胀病(病毒性肝炎肝硬化肝功能失代偿期)中医证候文献的数据挖掘与规范化证候验证

    Bulging Disease ( Viral Hepatitis Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis ) Hou TCM Literature Data Mining and the Establishment of Certification Standards Hou

  28. 最小厚度发生在鼓胀最高的地方。焦碳塔的鼓胀、裂纹容限及寿命预测

    The minimum thickness appeared in the bulging highest position . A Study on Crack Tolerance of Coke Tower and Its Life Prediction

  29. 圆锥角膜是一种角膜的结构退化,病发时患者角膜由正常情况下的圆形逐渐鼓胀成圆锥形。

    Keratoconus is a deterioration of the structure of the cornea with gradual bulging from the normal shape to a cone shape .

  30. 他的头大得不合比例,鼓胀额头下是一张扭曲的怪脸。

    His head was too large for his body , with a brute 's squashed-in face beneath a swollen shelf of brow .