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  • 网络Pencil sharpening;writing or not writing
笔削 [bǐ xuē]
  • [improve;raise a literary composition to a better quality] 敬称。请人修改文章

  • 留情笔削,敦悦丘、坟。--《晋书.皇甫谧传》

  1. 渐暗的舞台上只剩下横笛的余韵,但见房子的上空,笔削的公寓高楼显得更险郗。

    Only the misuc of the flute is left on the darking stage as over the house the house the hard towers of the part tment building rise into sharp focus .

  2. 本文归纳其散文创作倾向为:一、意深义精、切于实用;二、博引经史、引古质今;三、笔削为文,史传倾向。

    This paper summarized the prose tendency : a deep meaning , essence , tangential to the practical ; two , Bo cited history , cited ancient quality today ; three , t cut for the text , history biography tendency .