
  • 网络brush;Brush Strokes;paint brush;paintbrush
  1. 现在使用钢笔工具(P)绘制一条路径,如下图所示,然后应用自定义笔刷。

    Now create a path with the Pen Tool ( P ) as you see in the image below , then apply the custom brush .

  2. 用一个软笔刷(B),用黑色(变暗)或白色(提亮)水晶的某些区域。

    Use a Soft Brush ( B ) with Black ( to darken ) or White ( to brighten ) in some areas of the crystal .

  3. 对于系统场景模型建模而言,本文主要利用Painteffects笔刷库中丰富的植物笔刷,轻松实现很多炫目的建模效果。

    In a scene model for system modeling effects , this paper mainly use paint brush the repository rich plant brush , easy to realize many glaring modeling effect .

  4. 在男孩的双脚附近你可以保留一些细节,比如他两腿间的阴影,多余的部分用一个软笔刷(B)擦除。

    In the area of the feet you can leave some details such as the shadow between her legs , and remove the excess using a soft brush ( B ) .

  5. 如果你有时间,我想看到你可以使用Photoshop笔刷了布局。

    If you have time I want to see layouts you can made using photoshop brushes .

  6. 通常我绘画时仅仅使用少数几个笔刷,大多是对PS内置的笔刷进行一些调整。

    Usually when I paint I only use a few brushes , most of which are just Photoshop presets with a few tweaks to the brush settings .

  7. 进一步深入刻画,主要绘制老虎皮毛,和头部细节的绘制,这里用的笔刷有在网上下载的毛发笔刷,混合PT里面的毛发笔刷绘制完成。

    Further depict , main draw a tiger skins , and head details with brush paint , here have online download of hair brush , mixed PT inside hair brush with complete .

  8. 选一个大点的600px软笔刷,颜色为ffffff白色。然后再导航下方点击几次。

    Color # ffffff and click a few times in the area under the navigation .

  9. 我喜欢使用这个笔刷来制作柔和的边缘。

    I also like to use this Brush to soften edges .

  10. 涂抹时使用软的笔刷工具羽化边缘。

    Use a soft brush to feather at th edges !

  11. 硬笔刷:用于处理所有的细节和头发的纹理。

    Hard Brushes : Used for all details , textures and hair .

  12. 你可以改变笔刷的大小,你喜欢。

    You can change the size of the brush as you like .

  13. 逗号(,)和点号(。)循环选择笔刷。

    Comma (,) and dot ( . ) cycle through active brush .

  14. 用相同的笔刷,在需要加较重阴影的地方再次图刷。

    The same airbrush , set to multiply , gives me my shading .

  15. 我用了很多颗粒笔刷来取得满意的效果。

    I used a lot of particle brushes to get the right effect .

  16. 你也可以用笔刷工具画出来,但克隆工具方便些。

    You can paint them if you want , but cloning is easier .

  17. 用模糊工具和小的硬笔刷来刻画头发的纹理。

    Streaks of hair fined out using smudge tool and small hard brushes .

  18. 一种基于多分辨率和统计的笔刷绘制方法

    Brush Stroke Rendering Method Based on Multi-resolution and Statistics

  19. 软笔刷:用于对图像进行粗糙的阴影描绘,光滑和模糊。

    Soft Brushes : Most used for loose shading , smoothing and blurring .

  20. 最后我在每一样东西上用自定义的摹拟污迹笔刷覆盖上一层。

    At the end I covered everything with a custom brush dirt layer .

  21. 选取所有线条并把刚才造好的叶子笔刷应用在其上。

    Select all the lines and apply the leaf brush you just created .

  22. 薄笔刷可精确使用。

    Professional salon results Thin Brush for Precise Application .

  23. 在这次的绘画中,我仅仅使用了原始的笔刷。

    For this painting I just use ordinary brush .

  24. 使用笔刷,给照片添加效果,打造一个时尚效果。

    Apply effects to photos and create a contemporary pattern using a brush .

  25. 漂亮的笔刷,与大家一起分享!

    Beautiful brush , and to share with everyone !

  26. 基于笔刷的多风格艺术绘制

    Various Style Painterly Rendering Based On Brush Stroke

  27. 我是这样做的:简单地用软笔刷在黑色的地区绘制。

    I did this by simply painting in black areas with a soft brush .

  28. 一个三维计算机水粉笔刷模型

    Computer-Generated Gouache Rendering of 3D Polygonal Models

  29. 一旦我形成一个清晰的想法,我就用各种各样的笔刷去尝试。

    Once I have a clear idea of form I begin experimenting with various brushes .

  30. 蒙版该层利用黑色笔刷,笼盖手后面的布景区域。(这步是对布景进行润色了)

    Mask it and using a black brush , cover the background behind the hand .