
bǐ lù
  • record;note;put down;take down
笔录 [bǐ lù]
  • [put down] 用笔记录

  • 家贫,无从致书以观,每假借于藏书之家,手自笔录。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • [note;record] 记录下来的文字

笔录[bǐ lù]
  1. 在听课过程中对课堂情况做了一定的笔录,同时用mp3对教师的课堂话语进行了全程录音。

    During the classes , the author made some notes about the class situation . Meanwhile the teacher talk was recorded with mp3 .

  2. U-M团队猜测,Harris笔录,这些神经元的更多活性可能与这个区域的谷氨酸水平有关。

    The U-M team hypothesized , Harris notes , that more activity among these neurons might be related to the level of glutamate in this region .

  3. 在信中她回应近日一篇已笔录成F1927,中文的〈供养上师〉,的国语讲述。

    In the letter she responded to the recent talk in Mandarin that had been transcribed into F1927 , Making Offerings to Guru , in Chinese .

  4. 斯坦尼思以他人的研究为基础,同时也把所谓的阿根廷文件拼凑到了一起,它包括1300多页手写回忆录、笔记以及住在布宜诺斯艾利斯的荷兰记者、前纳粹分子威廉·扎森(WillemSassen)1957年对艾希曼的秘密采访的笔录。

    Ms. Stangneth , building on the work of others , has also pieced together the so-called Argentina Papers , a tangle of more than 1300 pages of handwritten memoirs , notes and transcripts of secret interviews of Eichmann in 1957 by Willem Sassen , a Dutch journalist and former Nazi living in Buenos Aires .

  5. 小姐,我现在准备好作口授笔录。

    I am ready to take a dictation now , Ma'am .

  6. 我能用英语笔录每分钟100个单词。

    I can take dictation in English at100 words per minute .

  7. 做下这些笔录,对你自己说是不够的。

    Note that it is not enough to say to yourself .

  8. 然后填写报案笔录也写完了一式两份

    And file a police report . Done . In duplicate .

  9. 代表作有《诉讼笔录》、《寻金者》、《战争》。

    His representative works includes The Interrogation , Desert and War .

  10. 验尸官将它记录在勘验笔录上。有记笔记或写回忆录的空白页的本。

    A book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda .

  11. 我读过所有军事基地整合委员会的笔录

    I read all of the transcripts from the BRAC Commission .

  12. 论提高问话笔录记写速度的方法

    On Methods of Speeding up Recording Speed of the Record of Interrogation

  13. 被告人供述笔录的证据效力举证责任应主要由被告承担。

    The burden of proof is mainly on the defendant .

  14. 没有,不过我可以打字,也可以笔录。

    No , but I can type and take dictation .

  15. 你必须和我们到警察局做笔录。

    You must come to the station with us to be interviewed .

  16. 你们需要我们去城里做个笔录吗?

    Would you like us to come downtown and give our statement ?

  17. 为甚么分股的安排由他笔录?

    Why was he responsible for recording all the share allocation arrangements ?

  18. 并要求从笔录中撤回。

    And ask that it be stricken from the record .

  19. 我必须把笔录报告的密码设定好。

    I 've got to set the transcript codes for the debrief .

  20. 信息都由我们的服务部笔录下来。

    Any message for you would be handwritten in our services department .

  21. 这些事情已被作成笔录,将被用作证据。

    These thing have been holed and will be held in evidence .

  22. 录音和笔录都是保密的我没权限查看

    The tapes and transcripts are off-limits ... to me at least .

  23. (五)宣读勘验笔录。

    And ( 5 ) reading of records of inspection .

  24. 如果可能,你明天来警署做个笔录吧。

    If you could please come by tomorrow and make a statement .

  25. 他们做了笔录,后来打电话给我们,告诉了我们一个意料之外的消息。

    They took a statement and phoned us later with unexpected news .

  26. 我需要你到外面做个笔录。

    I 'm gonna need to take a statement outside .

  27. 做一份关于弗兰克遇害那晚的笔录

    give a written stement about the night that Frank was killed .

  28. 论讯问笔录中案件事实的构成要素

    On Constituent Elements of the fact of a Case in an Interrogation Record

  29. 他作过笔录后就让他走了。

    We took his statement then let him go .

  30. 讯问笔录中特殊语言的记写规范探讨

    An Exploration of Recording Norms of Special Language in the Record of Interrogation