
  • 网络Pen stopped working
  1. 也正因为他们的笔耕不辍和奋力呐喊,才使得网络公众舆论影响到了事件的发展进程,并最终促成了问题的解决。

    Also because of their pen stopped working and struggling to cry , it makes the public opinion to influence events in the development process , and ultimately contributed to the solution to the problem .

  2. 她笔耕不辍,作品不断,始终保持着旺盛的创作姿态。

    She earns , works continuously , still remained strong creative attitude .

  3. 从那以后,谭恩美笔耕不辍,又创作了其他四部小说。

    From then on , she has kept creation energy and has created other four novels .

  4. 他们在这里会朋结友、笔耕不辍,写出了一篇篇影响后世的巨著。

    They made friends and wrote a number of great works that influence the later ages .

  5. 这位名作家尽管年逾70,仍然笔耕不辍。上月他突然在工作时死去。

    Though over 70 , the famous writer had still been active ; he died suddenly in harness last month .

  6. 涵秋自1906年开始发表小说至1923年5月去世,十八年中发奋写作,笔耕不辍。

    Li Hanqiu published the novel from 1906 and he died in May 1923 . He was writing vigorous and ceaselessly in 18 years .

  7. 他会见了那些政治巨头,例如:列宁、罗斯福和斯大林,在他晚年的时候,他依旧旅游、教学并且笔耕不辍。

    He met with such preeminent political figures as Lenin Roosevelt and Stalin and continued to publish travel and educate during his final years .

  8. 她一生笔耕不辍,创作了许多优秀的文学作品,体裁涉及长篇小说、短篇小说、戏剧、电影剧本等;

    Though best known for her nonfiction , she has also written novels , short stories , plays and has written and directed several films .

  9. 他仍孜孜不倦,笔耕不辍,乐于寻找新课题并投入新创造,力求创作出更多更好的作品。

    He still made great efforts in working , addressed himself to find new themes , develop new creations , and make more and better works .

  10. 老一辈作家笔耕不辍,新的作家也大量涌现,其创作也打上了后现代社会的烙印。

    While the older generation were still wielding their pens in the field of literature , new writers emerged with uniqueness which identifies with the postmodern era .

  11. 他们笔耕不辍,留下了大量文学作品和学术著作,在岭南文学史和学术史上也应占据一席之地。

    Their continuous writing created numerous literal and academic works , which are an essential part of the literal and academic history to the South of the Five Ridges .

  12. 在长达半个多世纪里,诗人木斧笔耕不辍,他以火一样的激情与水一样的哲思,回溯并展望生命的历程。

    During over half century , poet Mufu has incessantly kept on writing , with his ardent passion and aqueous wise thought , recalling and looking forward the progress of life .

  13. 哈查兹书店里有四个书架摆满了布莱顿笔耕不辍的成果。在为期九天的假日中,有三家书店让我们流连忘返,这是第一个。

    Hatchards carried four shelves full of Blyton 's tireless series , and was the first of three bookstores we spent serious time in over the course of our nine-day vacation .

  14. 阿特伍德以勤奋多产及其作品丰富的内涵享誉全球,值得一提的是这位民族女作家直到现在年逾古稀仍然笔耕不辍,保持着创作佳境。

    Atwood is world renowned for her diligence and high production . To speak of , though over 70 , the national female author has still been active and kept a good state to create .

  15. 多丽丝·莱辛是英国文学史上最值得尊敬最为丰产的作家之一。她一生笔耕不辍,至今共创作了40多部作品包括短篇小说,长篇小说和戏剧等。

    As one of the most respectable and prolific female writers in British literary history , Doris Lessing has created more than 40 books , including short stories , novels , plays and so on .

  16. 作为当代女性作家群中的常青树,二十多年来池莉笔耕不辍,宛如一台不知疲倦的高清晰度摄像机,记录着社会的历史变迁与时代的波诡云谲。

    As the " evergreen " in the contemporary female writers , Li Chi never gives up writing , like a tireless high-definition video camera to record the historical changes of society and the era of lumpy for 20 years .

  17. 多年来,这些女性作家笔耕不辍,已经把张爱玲风格内化为自己的文字的血肉骨髓,从而拥有了属于个人的文学主张和对人生意义的诠释。

    Over the years , these female writers work so hard , and put words into their own flesh and blood marrow learned from Zhang Ai-ling . So they have a personal opinion and interpretation on the meaning of life .

  18. 教学之余,笔耕不辍,写过两部通史,五部断代史,八部专史以及大量史学论文、札记、讲稿、教材和历史通俗读物。

    Apart from teaching , he worked non-stopping his pen . He has written two general history , five dynastic history , eight professional histories , a lot of history papers , notes , lectures , textbooks and popular history books .

  19. 由此可见,冉仲景笔耕不辍的创作,诗歌中洋溢着强烈的原始生命力,这为当今诗坛的发展注入了鲜活的生命力。

    Thus it can be seen , Ran Zhongjing earns a living by pen the ceaseless creation , in the poetry is brimming with the intense primitive vitality , this to the poetic world development have poured into the bright vitality now .

  20. 20多年笔耕不辍,一直站在文学创作前沿的他,以对生活的敏锐感受力,不断求新求变的文体,独特生动、寓意深远的文字,成为中国当代文坛的一个重要标志。

    More than 20 years ' writing experience makes him belong to the frontier literary writers . With a keen sensibility of life , constantly innovating and changing writing style , unique and vivid description , he becomes an important symbol of contemporary literature .

  21. 菲利普·罗斯是活跃在美国文坛的犹太裔代表作家,自成名开始他便一直笔耕不辍,多次获得大奖,享誉世界文坛。

    Philip Roth is an active representative Jewish American writer who has never stopped writing since he secured a firm position in American literature . He has won many prizes and awards , and he is also well-known in the literary arena of the world .

  22. 过去18个月里,我在密西西比州杰克逊市一家电台的办公室里冥思苦想、笔耕不辍,写分镜头剧本、广播剧、骡饲料广告、圣诞老人台词、人寿保险短剧,现在我已经辞去了这份工作。

    For the last eighteen months I was languishing in my own office in a radio station in Jackson , Miss . , writing continuities , dramas , mule feed advertisements , santa claus talks , and life insurance playlets ; now I have given that up .

  23. 徐訏在三四十年代的中国文坛就已声誉斐然,1950年定居香港后仍笔耕不辍,在近半个世纪的创作生涯中留下了总计五百多万字的小说作品。

    He was very famous in the 1930s and 1940s Chinese literature , and continued to write a lot of fictions since 1950 he settled in Hong Kong , and wrote a total of more than 5 million characters of novels in the writing career nearly half a century .