
bǐ suàn
  • written calculation;manual computation;reckon on paper;do a sum in writing;calculation by writing
笔算 [bǐ suàn]
  • [reckon on paper;written calculation] 用笔写出算式来计算

笔算[bǐ suàn]
  1. 解题方法:链表实现,多项式指数系数识别,加减乘除等四则运算分别模拟笔算的过程。

    Problem-solving approach : linked list , index polynomial coefficients identification , addition , subtraction and other arithmetic were simulated written calculation process .

  2. 对于一般笔算,本文还给出了一个使用国产大连DS&5袖珍计算机解题的键盘操作表。

    For written calculation , a key board calculating table for using vest-pocket " Dalian DS-5 " computer made in China is also given hereof .

  3. 随着读书或笔算过程中疲劳程度的增加,HRV增加而HR降低,说明精神疲劳促使应激能力降低。

    The increasing fatigue during reading or calculation , with increasing HRV and decreasing HR , showed the weakened capability for stress reaction .

  4. 这里我们笔算积分。

    Here we did it basically by hand by computing the integral .

  5. 读书阶段的疲劳累积效应强于笔算过程引发的疲劳;

    The fatigue accumulative effect for reading workload was stronger than that of written calculations .

  6. 如今,这个故事已经过气,而且成了一笔算不清的糊涂账&Android的市场份额更大,但苹果公司的利润更高,那么,到底谁是赢家?

    Microsoft ( MSFT ) , meanwhile , struggled mightily just to stay in this race .

  7. 讨论了清代使用的各种计算手段,指出清代数学家在数学研究中采用的计算手段和演算方法主要是笔算。

    The calculating tools and method of performing mathematical calculations in the Qing Dynasty are studied .

  8. 他能心算简易的算术题,但难题要用笔算。

    He can do easy sums in his bead but has to write out hard ones .

  9. 介绍了《笔算数学》的内容和版本情况,并与《数学启蒙》进行了比较。

    The contents and editions of Bi Suan Shu Xue are discussed , and compared with Shu Xue Qi Meng .

  10. 最后对多种方案的计算结果与笔算及工程数据进行分析对比,得到令人满意的结果。

    In the end , Compared with manual calculation and engineering data , software can give out satisfied results with low error .

  11. 另外,一部分数学考试将不再允许使用计算器。因此,习惯在课堂上使用计算器的学生应该考虑做一些笔算练习。

    And because one math section will prohibit the use of a calculator , students who use them in class may want to practice tackling calculations with pencil and paper .

  12. 儿童教育部长伊丽莎白·特鲁斯说孩子们过于依赖计算器说明他们数学心算和笔算基础不够牢固。

    Education and Childcare Minister Elizabeth Truss says children are over-reliant on calculators and that this means they don 't have a good grounding in mental arithmetic or written arithmetic .

  13. 文章介绍一个计算机软件,能快速、方便地对双筋截面梁进行复核,从而避免了笔算所带来的繁琐计算。

    This article introduces a software which will be able to check the section of beam with double reinforcement in efficiency and convenience and therefore can avoid all complex written calculations .

  14. 学生数感受传统笔算的影响较深,出现错误的学生无法发展自主性的思考,未能拥有自己的想法。

    Students ' number sense is deeply influenced by the traditional manual calculation , students who get the wrong answer seem unable to develop independent thinking and have their own thought .

  15. 本文对十分繁冗的单桩位移影响系数和桩对桩位移影响系数的计算提出简易解法。对单桩的各种参数给出笔算的解析式。

    This paper presents a simplified approach for computing single-pile and pile-to-pile displacement-influence factors , as compared with more accurate but rather complicated methods , and also gives a solution for single-pile parameters by manual computation .