
  • 网络Chisanbop
  1. WCDMA下行链路分级SIR和速率指配算法研究

    Hierarchical SIR and rate assignment on the downlink of WCDMA

  2. 一种信息抽取系统中汉语同指消解算法

    An Anaphora Resolution Algorithm for a Chinese Information Extraction System

  3. 一般地,网络上的数据通信算法主要指路由算法、广播算法等。

    Routing algorithms and broadcasting algorithms are main data communications in a network .

  4. 安全性强度主要是指密码算法抵抗现有各种攻击的能力,它对密码算法是至关重要的。

    The security strength mainly refers to the ability of cryptographic algorithms to resist the existing attacks , it is very important for cryptographic algorithm .

  5. 通过在ACE中文语料上的人称代词消解和名词短语消解实验结果表明,该算法是一种有效可行的无监督指代消解算法。

    The experimental results on the Chinese ACE training corpus demonstrate that the proposed method is a feasible unsupervised algorithm for noun phrase coreference resolution .

  6. 基于语料分析的这/那+NP的指代消解算法

    An Corpus-based Resolution for NP anaphora zhe / na + NP in Chinese

  7. 编码索引指利用索引算法对关键词进行快速编码转换的方法。

    Coding Index is a method which performs conversion between key words and codes by utilizing Index algorithm .

  8. 地图匹配,是指通过匹配算法得到载体位置等的偏差信息并实时修正,准确显示载体在轨道中的位置。

    Map-matching , refers to obtaining the bias information of carrier position through matching algorithm and real-time revising , demonstrating accurately position of vehicles in road net .

  9. 论文主要的研究内容和创新点如下:1、在对卫星任务规划问题进行深入分析的基础上,指出现有算法比较评价工作的局限性,进而提出新的卫星任务规划算法综合评价方案。

    The main work and innovations are as follows : 1 . Based on deep analysis of the satellite mission scheduling problem , the limitations of existing comparison and evaluation were pointed out , and then , a comprehensive evaluation scheme was put forward . 2 .

  10. 数据挖掘就是一种半经验技术,其主要指综合运用多种算法,从大量数据中发现事先未知的信息和知识的计算机数据处理过程。

    Data mining , a multi-disciplinary research area , is a semi-empirical technology to find the unknown , hidden and interesting knowledge from the massive data .

  11. 数字图像修复是指利用图像处理算法对图像上的破损信息进行修复和重建,使观察者无法察觉到图像曾经破损或有被修复的痕迹。

    Digital image inpainting is used for repairing and reconstructing the missing information of animage so that the viewer can not perceive the images have been broken or have been repaired at thescene .

  12. 为了使手指与物体之间保持期望的接触力,在多指位置同步控制算法中引入基于接触力同步误差的力控制环,对期望位置进行修正,进一步改善操作效果。

    In order to maintain the forces among fingers and the object , force synchronous errors are introduced to a parallel loop of the position synchronized control scheme of the multi-finger hand to modify desired position , which could improve the manipulative capability .

  13. 本文以物体平动情况下的多指运动学为基础,研究了与单指位置控制算法具有相同结构的多指位置同步控制算法,以协调各手指的运动。

    In this dissertation , position synchronized control scheme of multi-finger hand , employing similar structure with position control scheme of the finger , is studied to harmonize the fingers when the operated object moves linearly , based on multi-finger kinematics analysis .

  14. 计算机代数系统(简称CAS)是指符号数学的软件设计,而计算机代数则是指对CAS的算法研究。

    Computer algebra system ( CAS ) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics . The study of algorithm for CAS is known as computer algebra .