
zhǐ shì cí
  • demonstrative;pointer word
  1. 远指指示词可用来指示令人不愉快的或不适合直接说出的事物。

    The distal demonstrative may be used to refer to something unpleasant , or inappropriate to directly talk about .

  2. 崇明方言的指示词系统和指示范畴

    The Demonstrative System and Indexical Category of the Chongming Dialect

  3. 为属性指定默认值,需添加default指示词并在属性声明的最后添加新的默认值。

    To specify a default value for a property , add the default directive and the new default value to the end of the property declaration .

  4. 本文简要介绍了Chesterman提出的对比功能分析的基本理论假设和研究方法,然后以英汉指示词在表达远近称指示时的用法对比为例,讨论了如何将这一方法应用于具体的英汉对比研究。

    After a brief discussion of the basic theoretical assumptions of the research methodology proposed by Chesterman in his Contrastive Functional Analysis , this paper focuses on how to apply the methodology to contrastive studies between Chinese and English .

  5. 试探汉韩指示词的不对应现象

    An Approach to Unparallel Phenomena between Chinese and Korean Demonstrative Pronouns

  6. 广告英语中的评价性语用指示词研究

    A Study of Commentary Pragmatic Markers in English Advertising Discourse

  7. 指示词在韩国语和汉语中都有着广泛的应用。

    Demonstratives are widely used both in Korean and Chinese .

  8. 鲁迅乡土情结的指示词

    The Demonstrative Words of Lu Xun 's Native Soil Complex

  9. 巧妙的使用人称指示词就是其中之一。

    The skill of using person deixis is among them .

  10. 英语指示词的前指照应释义

    On the Anaphoric Resolution of Demonstratives in English On the linguistic term word

  11. 英语指示词没有这样的用法。

    These uses are not shared by English demonstratives .

  12. 中英文歌词中第一人称指示词使用对比研究

    Study on the First Personal Deixis the Words of Chinese and English Songs

  13. 第一个里面的指示词是什么?,有两个?

    Which is the argument indicator in this one there are two actually ?

  14. 汉日指示词之比较

    Contrast of Demonstrative Pronouns in Chinese and Japanese

  15. 识别论点的指示词。

    Identify the argument indicators in these arguments .

  16. 英语指示词THAT的语法化研究

    Research On Grammaticalization of the English Demonstrative THAT

  17. 汉语书面语篇中指示词研究

    Demonstratives in Chinese : A Text-Discourse Study

  18. 汉语中,指示词可用于委婉的表达方式。

    ( b ) In Chinese , demonstratives can be used in a euphemistic way .

  19. 朝鲜语指示词在实际语言运用当中不仅有指示功能,还有话语标记功能。

    In everyday use , demonstratives in Korean have both deixis and discourse marking functions .

  20. 我们看了论点的指示词,我给了你们很多。

    We 've looked at argument indicators and I gave you quite a few here .

  21. 疑问指示词只有一个tei~6(哪,何)。

    The question demonstrative is which .

  22. 从语用角度考虑,物指指示词的用法可分基本用法和延伸用法。

    From a pragmatic perspective , the entity-referring demonstratives have both basic uses and extended uses .

  23. 汉语象世界上其他语言一样,有自己的指示词系统。

    Chinese , like many other languages in the world , has its own system of demonstratives .

  24. 汉英指示词这和this的语用异同

    Pragmatic Similarities and Differences of the Deictic Words " Zhe "( This ) and " This "

  25. 崇明方言的指示词包括7个基本指示词、7个复合指示词、19个表处所的指示词、10个表时间的指示词。

    Chongming demonstratives include 7 basic demonstratives , 7 compound demonstratives , 19 locative demonstratives and 10 temporal demonstratives .

  26. 该文对定冠词与指示词的用法差异从功能出发进行认知解释。

    This paper explains the differences between the usages of the definite article and the demonstratives in a functional perspective .

  27. 英语和汉语指示词都可以用来表示指称对象在语篇中的位置,即距离当前话语的远近。

    Both English and Chinese demonstratives can be used to show the distance of the referent to the current sentence .

  28. 其次,在可能世界的基础上克里普克提出了严格指示词理论。

    On the basis of possible worlds , Kripke puts forward the " strict instructions to the word " theory .

  29. 中国学生使用的与指示词搭配的词汇大都是宽泛的类属词,通过指示照应增加的信息量较少。

    Different from native speakers , Chinese learners use more generic nouns to collocate with demonstratives that add little information .

  30. 汉英诗歌第一人称指示词隐显模式的美学比较

    The Implicit and Explicit Modes of the First Person Indicators Respectively in Chinese and English Poetry : An Aesthetically Comparative Analysis