
zhǐ zhònɡ biǎo
  • weight indicator
  1. 石油钻机用新型电子式指重表

    Introducing a New Type of Electronic Weight Indicator for Drilling Rigs

  2. 死绳固定器轴上摩擦阻力对指重表精度的影响

    Influence of the frictional resistance for deadline anchor axis on weight indicator accuracy

  3. 检查指重表,必要时应加注传动油。

    Check up the weight indicator , and inject transmission oil when necessary .

  4. 泵控伺服技术在钻井指重表检定装置中的应用

    Application of pump-controlled servomotor on verification devices of weight indication gauges for oil well drilling

  5. 本文介绍了指重表死绳固定器的工作原理和标定时出现误差偏大的问题。

    The article gives introduction of the working principle of the deadline anchor of weight indicator and the problems of bigger error occurred in its calibration .

  6. 司钻要确保所有的仪表和传感器,如指重仪、扭距表,要经过检查和校验。

    The Driller shall ensure that all gauges and sensors , such as the weight indicator , torque gauge , are inspected and calibrated .