- 动 extract a confession by throwing out hints to the defendant; expose the defendant during a trial

(1) [extort a confession]∶审讯人员指定被告按主观性审判意图招供
(2) [certify (by the witness in count)]∶证人指出案犯特征,提供有关证据
A building used for the worship of a god or gods in some religions .
City public space is the space where citizen can take same social public in one city or certain area .
Public transportation roads refer to roads which are offered to non-special people and social motor vehicles or social motor vehicles only .
Usually the term menu refers to the written or printed list of different dishes from which a restaurant customer makes a selection .
Land supply policy the paper indicate is the principle for land management department to adjust and control the quantity of land supply and demand .
Special-purpose parking lot ( garage ) means the parking place of a unit and residential quarter for motor vehicles as well as private car stalls .
Large-scale office building generally refers to the building for government office , public organization , enterprise and institution to deal with administrative affairs and all kinds of business activities .
The checkpoint referred to in this ordinance , shall be a specific area for the entrance to and exit from the boundary-line of persons , transportation tools and goods .
The thinking of adjustment with " the feudal order of importance or seniority in human relationships " in traditional moral offers behavior guide to the formation of the students ' law consciousness ;
Commercial medical facilities for keeping animals to be treated , in treatment or recovering from treatment , in accord with normal veterinary practice as established by the Massachusetts Board of Registration and Veterinary Medicine .