
zhǐ dìnɡ qī jiān
  • Designated period;designated duration
  1. 我的存在是个连续统一体,所以在指定期间的每个时间点都是一样的。

    My existence is a continuum , so I 've been what I am at each point in the implied time period .

  2. 作为联邦宪法执行者,在指定期间里我被委托来执行美国的法律,

    As the instrument of the Federal Constitution it well devolve on me for a stated period to execute the laws of the United States ,

  3. 在一个指定期间内,运用该算法,能得到使目标函数(例如运行成本或者峰值能耗)最小的房间温度曲线。

    The proposed algorithm returns trajectories for space temperature set points throughout a specified period that will minimize objective functions such as running cost or peak energy consumption .

  4. 因此,应将超时功能视为捕获最新消息的方法,而不是在指定期间后终止聚合的方法。

    Consequently , the timeout function should be considered as a way of trapping late messages rather than a way of terminating the aggregation after a specified period .

  5. 具时限授权:一个具时限的授权,过了指定期间便失去效力,具时限授权亦为强制线上授权。

    Limited ( Expirable ) license : A license may subject to expire after certain date ( either demo license or not ) . This kind of license implies " forced online license " .

  6. 前款所列情形可以补正或者更正的,人民法院应当指定期间责令补正或者更正;在指定期间已经补正或者更正的,应当依法受理。

    In the event that the above-mentioned situations can be remedied or rectified , the people 's court shall appoint a period for remedy or rectification ; if the situation is cured or rectified within the appointed period , the court shall accept the case .

  7. 无论他规定什么样的期限,总是会太短,因为与彩票经理一样,银行经理也能操纵银行的风险组合,使得巨额亏损在指定期间不太可能发生,尽管长期而言是不可避免的。

    Whatever time frame he mandates , it will always be too short . For , like lottery managers , bank managers can manipulate the risk profile of the bank so that large losses , although inevitable in the long run , are unlikely during the mandated period .

  8. 以下示例指定EXIT期间返回的错误代码。

    The following example specifies the error code returned during EXIT .

  9. 指定会话期间发送的octets数。

    Specifies the number of octets sent during the session .

  10. 指定会话期间接收到的数据包数。

    Specifies the number of packets received during the session .

  11. 第七十五条期间包括法定期间和人民法院指定的期间。

    Article 75 Time periods shall include those prescribed by the law and those designated by a people 's court .

  12. 使用“启动条件编辑器”,可以指定安装期间搜索目标计算机上的某个注册表项。

    The Launch Conditions Editor can be used to specify a search for a registry key on a target computer during installation .

  13. TABLESPACEMAP用户可以指定在复制期间使用的表空间名映射,而不使用来自源数据库的表空间。

    TABLESPACE_MAP The user may specify tablespace name mappings to be used instead of the tablespaces from the source system during a copy .

  14. 主要区别是JJTree添加了一个新的语法node-constructor构造,该构造可以让您指定在解析期间在哪里以及在什么条件下生成解析树节点。

    The primary difference is that JJTree adds a new syntactic node-constructor construct which lets you specify where and under what conditions parse-tree nodes are to be generated during the parse .

  15. 用户还可以指定在退出期间要返回的替代变量值。

    Users can also specify a substitution variable value to be returned during exit .

  16. 您也可以使用该页面,来指定在导入期间相关类关系之间的映射。

    You can also use this page to specify the mapping of association class relationships during the import .

  17. 输出消息类型:指定在生成期间生成的输出消息的详细级别。

    Output Message Type : Specifies the level of verbosity of output messages to generate during the build .

  18. TABLEONLY选项允许指定数据重分发期间将被重分发的一组表。

    The TABLE ONLY option allows you to specify a list of tables that will be redistributed during the data redistribution .

  19. 早些时候,这一酒店被指定为冠状病毒疫情期间的隔离酒店。

    It was earlier designated as a quarantine facility during the coronavirus outbreak .

  20. 指定在回收操作期间允许卸载应用程序域的等待时间。

    Specifies a wait time during which the application domain is allowed to unload during a recycle operation .

  21. 获取或设置一个值,该值指定要在编译期间用于临时文件存储的目录。

    Gets or sets a value that specifies the directory to use for temporary file storage during compilation .

  22. 接口可选择性地指定在服务调用期间出错时所引发的任何错误。

    The interface can optionally specify any faults that the operation might throw because of an error condition during the service call .

  23. 预测性连续时空区域查询在用户指定的时间范围期间持续地返回给定未来查询时间范围期间将出现在查询区域的移动对象。

    In a user defined time interval , the predictive continuous range query continuously returns moving objects that will appear in a spatial query range during a future temporal query interval .

  24. 客户可在指定沃尔玛店内直接申请办理此卡,指定期间内申请还可现场获得赠品。

    Customers may instantly apply for the card at participating stores and successful applicants will receive a special sign-up gift during the designated promotion period .

  25. 第一个参数指定系统映像,而第二个参数指定转储期间系统运行的内核的UNIX文件。

    The first specifies the dump image , and the second specifies the UNIX file of the kernel that was running on the system at the time of the dump .

  26. 指定–X选项,这会在指定的命令执行期间运行ProbeVue。

    Specifying the X option runs ProbeVue for the duration of the command specified with the X option .