
  • 网络Public economics;public economy;public finance
  1. 公共经济视野下当代我国教育财政问题研究

    The Research on the Current Education Finance in China Based on Public Economics

  2. 基于同样理念,财经大学公共经济与管理学院于2009年成立“实证分析与调查研究中心”。

    Following the same idea , the School of Public Economics and Administration established the Center for Empirical Analysis and Survey Research in2009 .

  3. 生态伦理观在公共经济政策中的培育与运用

    The Cultivation and Application of Ecological Ethics in Public Economic Policy

  4. 经济法由市场规制法和公共经济法所组成。

    Economic law consists of market regulation law and public economic law .

  5. 论公共经济活动范围的合理界定

    Rational Definition of the Range of the Public Economic Activities

  6. 公共经济论与国家分配论的比较及思考

    A Comparison Between the Theory of Public Finance and That of Government Distribution

  7. 公共经济管理公共性的偏失与矫正&基于公共管理的视角

    Public Economy Management : Discard and Revise-Based on the View of Public Administration

  8. 联邦公共经济部贸易司

    Trade Division of the Federal Department of Public Economy

  9. 公共经济视野中政府责任结构性失衡的法律调整

    The legal Adjustment to Structural Unbalance of Governmental Duty in Public Economic Field

  10. 这样,公共经济权力异化使权力控制体系中强化审计控制成为了必要。

    Thus , reinforcing audit control in the power control system becomes necessary .

  11. 税收流失是公共经济领域中一个极为普通的现象。

    The Loss of tax revenue is commonly found out of public economical field .

  12. 公共经济部门效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis of Public Economic Sector

  13. 政府间财政收入权的配置格局对整个公共经济体制的功能发挥具有极为重要的影响;

    The pattern of allocation of revenue exerts an important influence on the public economic system .

  14. 企业、家庭会产生溢出效应,公共经济也存在溢出效应。

    Enterprise and family should give rise to the spillover effect , so should the public economy .

  15. 公共经济视角下的城乡义务教育:差距及收敛

    Review on the Gap and Convergence between Urban and Rural Compulsory Education-From the Perspective of Public Economy

  16. 公共经济法的基本性质是公私法的交融性。

    The basic nature of public economic law is the combination of public law and private law .

  17. 一是代表了公共经济利益,却忽视了公共环境利益。

    Second , the urban planning represents the public economic interests , but ignores public environmental interests .

  18. 其次,又对公共经济权力的结构进行了分析,找到了公共经济权力的内在静态结构和动态结构。

    Second , it analyzes public economic power structure which is divided into static structure and dynamic structure .

  19. 把取得的税款作为政府财政收入,运用到社会公共经济活动中,并以此调节或管理整个社会经济市场。

    In this form of finance income , adjust the social economy and the supervision and management of economic activities .

  20. 公共经济法的具体调整对象包括:(1)公共经济部门基于政治机制而发生的财产流转关系;

    The concrete regulating objects of public economic law includes : ( 1 ) property-moving relationship based on political mechanism of public sector ;

  21. 以市场平稳运行为目标建立完善的公共经济服务与管理体系。

    And try to set up a perfect public economy service and administration system according to the target that market can operate smoothly .

  22. 我国庞大的政府部门一度完全掌握和控制了乡村社会经济的命脉,成为乡村公共经济的唯一主体。

    China 's rural socio-economy has for long been dominated by the unwieldy government sector , the only main body of rural public economy .

  23. 通过检验发现,我国国家审计对公共经济权力控制的分项效果较好。

    Through empirical research , it is discovered that effects of state audit control over itemized public economic power are much better and more obvious .

  24. 经济法是调整公共经济关系之法,其有别于调整私人经济关系的市民法。

    Economic law is the one that adjusts the public economic relationship , which is different from civil law that adjusts the private economic relationship .

  25. 其中,税收作为公共经济的重要内容,它是政府筹集财政收入进行资源配置的基本手段。

    Tax , the biggest part of the public economy , is the major means the government applies to raise government income and reallocate resources .

  26. 影响公共经济权力审计控制效果的因素及其路径在于:(1)国家审计独立性。

    Factors and ways that influence effects of audit control over public economic power lie in the following aspects : Firstly , independence of state audit .

  27. 公共经济法:经济法的本质解释&兼与李曙光《经济法词义解释与理论研究的重心》一文商榷

    Public Economic Law : Interpretation of Nature of Economic Law & And Discussion on the Interpretation of Economic Law and Bary center of its Theoretical Research

  28. 这样,国民经济就是市场经济和政府经济、私人经济和公共经济的混合体。

    To that extent , national economy is a mixture of the market economy and the goverment economy , or of private economy and public economy .

  29. 本文从税收政策角度切入对促进就业问题的研究分析,体现了税收这一公共经济政策在运用中的重要性和特殊性。

    This paper analyzes the problems of promoting employment from the viewpoint of tax policy . It reflects that tax policy is importance and specificity in practice .

  30. 本文将运用公共经济、公共管理及人力资本理论对云南省职工医疗互助保险现状进行分析研究。

    This article will use the public economic and public management and human capital theory to Yunnan province worker medical treatment to mutual insurance situation analysis research .