
  1. 方法收集泰州市2009年度公共场所卫生监督统计上报资料,用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

    METHOD Data of Taizhou public places health inspection surveillance in the year of2009 was collected and analyzed by SPSS .

  2. 公共场所卫生监督如何适应社会发展

    Health Monitoring of Public Places , How to Adapt to Social Development

  3. 安徽省公共场所卫生监督现况调查与分析

    Investigation on Health Supervision of Public Places in Anhui

  4. 公共场所卫生监督与监测质量分析

    Monitoring and inspection of hygienic quality in public places

  5. 2008年平顶山市市区部分公共场所卫生监督监测情况

    Analysis of Health Supervision and Inspection in Public Places in Pingdingshan City in 2008

  6. 我国公共场所卫生监督监测中存在的主要问题与对策分析

    Analysis of Major Problems and Strategies of Health Inspection in the Public Places of China

  7. 方法依据《公共场所卫生监督测技术规范》中的相关规定,对餐厅、咖啡厅、游泳池、酒店的微小气候与空气卫生质量进行检测。

    Methods According to the regulation of Technical Specification for Public Places Health Supervision , field monitoring and comprehensive analysis were carried out .

  8. [结论]加强公共场所卫生监督监测,及时发现卫生隐患,以便有针对性地改进公共场所的卫生状况。

    [ Conclusion ] Supervision on hygiene of public place should be strengthened in order to find out hygienic hidden trouble , and improve the hygiene condition of public places .

  9. 1997年8~9月对合肥、滁州、阜阳等6地市进行了公共场所卫生监督现况调查。

    A cross-sectional health supervision survey was performed in 6 cities in Anhui province from August to September in 1997 . Three public places were random sampled from each cities .

  10. 目的:探讨密切值法在公共场所卫生监督监测质量综合评价中的应用。方法:密切值法。

    In order to evaluate quality of public place sanitation , osculation value method was applied to assess 7-year ( 1993-1999 ) data of public place sanitation in Yanchen urban area .

  11. 山东口岸公共场所开展卫生监督量化分级管理效果评估

    Effect Evaluation on Quantified and Classified Management of Sanitation surveillance at Public Places of Shandong Port

  12. 结论:加强对歌舞厅噪声控制和人群健康监护已成为公共场所预防性卫生监督工作的重点

    Conclusion : It becomes a stress of preventive medical supervision for public place to strengthen control of noise of singing dancing hall and working personnel ′ s health care

  13. 结论:公共场所公用物品的卫生质量还有待进一步提高,卫生监督部门应加强公共场所卫生监督执法力度,努力提高对重点公共场所卫生管理水平。

    Conclusion : The hygienic quality of public objects at public places shall be further improved , the sanitary supervision department shall enhance the strength of law enforcement in sanitary supervision at public places , and try to improve the managerial level to hygiene at key public places .

  14. 而提高公共场所的卫生质量还应依赖于对公共场所的卫生监督。

    And the most effective way which can improve the sanitation quality of the public places is health inspection .