
  • 网络the Issuing of Public Debt;public subscription
  1. 本文系研究北洋政府内国公债发行问题的学术专题。

    This thesis studies the domestic bonds issued by Beiyang government .

  2. 本章探讨1918至1921年间北洋政府的内国公债发行情况。

    Discuss the domestic bonds issued from 1918 to 1921 .

  3. 安徽省地方公债发行历史才告一段落。

    So the local bond of Anhui Province history only came to consummate .

  4. 星期五早些时候,日本国会通过了一份可再生能源法案以及一份公债发行议案。

    Earlier on Friday , Japan 's parliament passed a renewable energy bill and a bond-issuance bill .

  5. 2013年到期的公债发行收益率为3.219%,也高于上次的2.851%。

    Yields on bonds maturing in 2013 were issued at 3.219 % , up from 2.851 % .

  6. 从中央和地方的财力财权关系、宏观经济结构和公债发行效应等方面分析,可以说明地方政府发行公债目前尚不具有现实可行性。

    From the current relation , macroeconomy structure and the effects of public bonds , the issue of public bonds by local governments is infeasible .

  7. 一五时期的国家经济建设公债发行&以上海为中心的考察公债在美国经济发展中的作用及其对我国全面建设小康社会的启示

    The Issuance of the Economic Construction Bond during the First Five-year Plan The Role of Public Debt in Building China 's Well-off Society in an All-round Way : on the Experience and Practice of the United States

  8. 在法国,密特朗(mitterand)首届政府曾强迫富有纳税人为两年期债券发售融资,美国和英国也都曾在爱国主义战时公债的发行中,动用道德劝说的手段。

    In France , the first Mitterand government forced rich taxpayers to fund a two-year bond issue and both the US and UK have used moral suasion in patriotic sales of war bonds .

  9. 地方政府负债与地方公债的发行

    On Debts of Local Governments and Issuing Local Treasury Bonds

  10. 三百万元经济建设公债的发行怎样使用呢?

    How shall we use the three million yuan from economic construction bonds ?

  11. 地方公债的发行,对于地方政府来说具有非常重要的意义。

    It is important for the local government .

  12. 文章对其地方公债的发行管理、运作模式和风险防范机制进行了探讨。

    The article discussed on its local bond issuance management , mode of operation and risk prevention mechanism .

  13. 这些公债的发行使国民政府的工业、国防基础设施的建设成为可能。

    The bonds made it possible for the Nationalist Government to build the national industry and basic defense system .

  14. 对此,本文主张我国应准予地方政府地方公债的发行权,并由西部省区优先试行。

    With regard to this topic , the thesis argues that China should grant local governments the authority to issue LPD .

  15. 公债的发行为多次战争和摆脱经济衰退筹措经费,并在弥补财政赤字、为政府各项支出融资、干预经济生活以及进行宏观调控等方面发挥了重要作用,取得了一定的经济和社会效应。

    The aim to issue public debt was to raise money for the wars and resolve the problem of economic crisis , simultaneity , it had played an important role in offsetting the government budget deficits .

  16. 在爱国主义热情的影响下和国民政府的宣传引导下,救国公债的发行比较畅顺,在一定程度上弥补了财政赤字,增加了抗战军费,影响较大。

    Under the influence of the patriotic passion and on the instructions of the Civil Government , the publication of the public debt went on smoothly , to a certain degree made up the financial deficit and increased the military expenditure .

  17. 改革开放以来,我国重新启动公债的发行。特别是1994年以来,政府债务收入迅速增长,成为政府可支配资源的重要组成部分。

    Since the reform and opening up policy , our country has started issuing bonds again , especially from 1994 , the revenue of governmental debts has increased rapidly , which has become an essential part of our government 's disposal resources .

  18. 公债的不同发行模式及其合理数量界限

    The Reasonable Limit of Government Loans under Its Different Issue Patterns

  19. 然而清末安徽公债,由于发行量大、应募者少,最后只得交与外商银行包销,变为了一笔外债。

    Anhui bonds , however , due to the large circulation and raise few , finally had to pay with foreign banks underwriting into a foreign debt .

  20. 1921年之后,北洋政府对内筹款的主要方式由发行公债转为发行库券,银行界主动疏离政府的倾向则日益明显。

    After 1921 , the government changed the way of raising funds from issuing national debts to state treasury bond . And there was an obvious tendency of bankers turning away from the government .

  21. 作为一个整体,它是不发达的,具体表现在以公债为主要的发行和交易对象,发展不平衡,证券价格变动剧烈等方面。

    As a whole , it was undeveloped , showing concretely that government bonds as main issue and trading object , develops unevenly , and the securities price changed violently .

  22. 设计地方公债制度,包括地方公债监管制度,地方公债发行和偿还制度,地方债款投资项目和风险防范制度。

    It is time to designing local public debt , including the managing system of local public debt , the system of issuing and compensating of local public debt , the system of the investing items of local debt and the system of risk precaution .

  23. 本文分析了大量地方政府债务出现的原因,指出现阶段制约我国发行地方公债的因素,并在此基础上提出了建议,确保地方公债的顺利发行。

    This article analyzes the reasons of lots of local government debts , and points out the factors which restrict local government to issue local government bonds . It also gives some suggestions in order to is-sue local government bonds successfully .