
  • 网络Structural deficit
  1. “债务断头台”规则要求到2016年,德国结构性赤字最高不得超过gdp的0.35%,几乎仅相当于欧盟《稳定与增长公约》(stabilityandgrowthpact)现行规定水平的十分之一。

    The " debt guillotine " requires a maximum structural deficit of just 0.35 per cent of GDP by 2016 , or little more than one-tenth of the present level set by the EU stability and growth pact .

  2. 根据今年1月在欧盟几乎全盘通过的新财政契约,欧盟成员国需要将总的结构性赤字占GDP的比例降至0.5%以下。

    Under the fiscal pact , which was agreed to by nearly all EU member states in January , countries are required to limit their total structural deficit to less than 0.5 % of GDP .

  3. 但我认为,美国的主要问题并非最新一期《经济学家》(economist)的封面报道所述,无法消除结构性赤字,而是恰恰相反。

    But for me the main problem is not an inability to deal with the structural deficit , as the Economist argued in its latest cover story , but rather the contrary .

  4. 衰退开始时,我们的结构性赤字在7国集团(g7)中为最高,当它结束时,我们的赤字预计将是20国集团中最高的。

    We went into the bust with the biggest structural deficit in the G7 and came out of it with a deficit forecast to be the biggest in the G20 .

  5. 其次,OECD成员国政府的结构性赤字增长了3倍,其中约四分之一源于税收收入减少。有些税收收入减少可能是永久性的,比如与金融服务和住宅相关的税收。

    Second , OECD governments have experienced a threefold increase in their structural deficits , about a quarter of which is attributable to the drop in tax revenues , some of which may be permanent , for example , where they are related to financial services and housing .

  6. 他表示:我们开始就有着结构性赤字。

    We begin from a position of a structural deficit .

  7. 谁也不知道结构性赤字到底有多大。

    Nobody knows what a structural deficit is .

  8. 希腊确实存在相当庞大的结构性赤字。

    Greece did have a sizeable structural deficit .

  9. 我们不可能知道真实的结构性赤字有多大。

    The true structural deficit is unknowable .

  10. 但这并非英国产生高额结构性赤字的主要原因。

    But that is not the main reason the UK has a huge structural deficit .

  11. 如果这样,实际的赤字规模现在应远远超出结构性赤字。

    If so , the actual deficit should now be much larger than the structural one .

  12. 到那时,目前结构性赤字庞大的国家可能会陷入无望的预算状况。

    By then , countries that already have high structural deficits could be in hopeless budgetary situations .

  13. 在发达国家中,英国的结构性赤字仅次于美国、日本和爱尔兰。

    Its structural deficit is exceeded only by the US , Japan and Ireland among advanced countries .

  14. 既然有可能对结构性赤字估值进行大幅调整,一国政府该如何去适应?

    Since huge changes in estimates of structural deficits are likely , how is a government to adapt ?

  15. 增加结构性赤字,只会增加后面的问题。我赞同这一观点。

    Adding to that structural deficit can only increase the problems subsequently , he said . I agree .

  16. 在今后九个月中,本届国会将全面出击致力于消除结构性赤字。

    Nine months in , the plan to eliminate the structural deficit during this parliament is broadly on track .

  17. 如果长期增长下降(正如我预期的那样),结构性赤字将被修正为升高,这需要实行进一步的紧缩。

    If long-run growth falls , as I would expect , the structural deficit would be revised upwards , requiring further austerity .

  18. 任何减税措施都不能永久地增加结构性赤字,并且必须结合采取假以时日能够削减赤字的策略。

    Any tax cuts must not permanently increase the structural deficit and must be combined with a strategy to reduce it over time .

  19. 结构性赤字是指那部分必须通过增加税收或减少支出来缩减的政府收支缺口。

    The structural deficit is the gap between government revenue and spending that will have to be closed by higher taxes or lower spending .

  20. 然而,许多欧盟成员国的结构性赤字甚至在经济景气时期也处于高位,因此财政可持续性也是一个问题。

    However , structural deficits in many EU member states were high even in good times , so fiscal sustainability is also a concern .

  21. 他相信此举可以为英国国库筹得8000亿英镑的资金,用来消除结构性赤字,并让政府有钱投入至绿色环保产业。

    He believes this would raise £ 800bn for the exchequer , clearing the structural deficit and allowing the government to invest in green industries .

  22. 分拆开来,每个德国联邦州政府的结构性赤字/GDP比例将不能超过0.15%。

    When all split up , the state and local governments in Germany will only be able to run a structural deficit of 0.15 % .

  23. 更广泛地说,如果一种新的重大刺激举措与已经制定且切实可信的长期削减结构性赤字有关,它就很有可能是建设性的。

    More broadly , a major new stimulus could well be constructive , if it is tied to real , trusted and enacted long-term structural deficit reduction .

  24. 令人震惊的是,对于一个只会加重欧盟预算中的结构性赤字的财政框架,各国政府首脑竟然达成了一致。

    What is astonishing is that heads of government have agreed to a financial framework that will only serve to deepen the existing structural deficits in EU budgets .

  25. 但盈余国家需要理解的是,与背负高额结构性赤字的国家相比,它们处于更有利的地位,能够安全地扩大需求。

    But surplus countries need to understand that it is they who are in a better position to expand demand safely , not those with the large structural deficits .

  26. 在美国未承诺将结束其长期结构性赤字的情况下,利率上行压力将进一步加大,尽管全球储蓄处于过剩状态。

    In the absence of credible commitments to endthe chronic US structural deficit , there will be further upward pressure on interest rates , despite the glut of global savings .

  27. 即使美国经济完全摆脱衰退,实现复苏,这些因素也将导致该国的结构性赤字率接近3%,不利于可持续经济复苏。

    Even once the economy has wholly recovered from the recession , these factors mean that the country faces a structural deficit of around 3 % , which is not sustainable .

  28. 设想一下,新政府如果决定在一届议会会期内消除推测的结构性赤字,而不是当前政府所计划的8年。

    Imagine , for example , that an incoming government decided to eliminate the presumed structural deficit in one parliamentary term , instead of the eight years planned by the present government .

  29. 作为回应,反对者辩称,如果大幅削减结构性赤字进一步加剧了衰退,进而导致了周期性赤字的抵消性膨胀,那将是愚蠢的。

    In response , opponents argued that it would be foolish to slash the structural deficit if this led to a deeper recession and so to an offsetting rise in the cyclical deficit .

  30. 然而新政府上台后,它决定要在本届议会任期结束前削减结构性赤字,为了让这一决定得到更多支持,它编造了一系列的谎言。

    Yet on coming to office the new government set out to make a series of mendacious claims to gain support for its determination to cut the structural deficit by the end of this parliament .