- 网络cyclical deficit

The cyclical deficit is the gap that will automatically disappear when the economy has recovered .
In response , opponents argued that it would be foolish to slash the structural deficit if this led to a deeper recession and so to an offsetting rise in the cyclical deficit .
Concerted fiscal tightening could , in current circumstances , fail : larger cyclical deficits , as economies weaken , could offset attempts at structural fiscal tightening .
The attempted reduction in the structural deficit might lead , instead , to a rise in cyclical fiscal deficits , which would be running to stand still , or to a reduction in the private surpluses only because income fell even faster than spending .
To separate the effects of the economy from the effects of policies , analysts examine the cyclically adjusted deficit , which removes the effects of the business cycle for a more meaningful look at the state of the deficit .
Last year , the UK had the second-largest cyclically adjusted primary deficit ( excluding interest payments ) in the developed world ( 6.8 per cent of GDP ) .