
  1. 周贻白是继王国维之后,中国戏剧学研究领域又一学术高峰的代表人物。

    Following Wang Guowei , Zhou Yibai sets another academic peak in the field of Chinese Drama Studies .

  2. 是案头文学还是剧场观念,这构成青木正儿与周贻白戏剧观的根本差异。

    Desk literature or theater idea forms the basic difference in drama concept between Aoki Masaru and Zhou Yibai .

  3. 周贻白的《中国剧场史》作为我国剧场研究的奠基之作蕴涵着我国剧场美学的萌芽。

    The History of Chinese Ancient Theater , written by Zhou Yibai , lays a foundation in the theater study of China . And it contains the rudiment of theater aesthetics .

  4. 张庚虽然对周贻白的戏曲美学思想有很高的评价,但他对中国戏曲艺术审美特征所作出的判断却并没有将周贻白“空场子”的思想加以充分的吸纳和深入的阐述。

    Although Zhang Geng have given higher appraisal to Zhou Yibai 's aesthetic thought , he hasn 't absorbed and explained the Empty Place in his judgment on Chinese opera 's aesthetic characteristics .

  5. 周贻白提出的戏剧本为上演而设,非奏之场上不为功的原则贯穿于周贻白的整个中国戏剧史研究之中,从而扭转了自王国维以来视戏曲为文学的研究模式。

    Principle on " drama designs to perform originally , especially for theater " that Zhou Yibai put forward runs through his whole studying in the history of Chinese opera , and changes the research mode that Wang Guowei has started .