
  1. 警方说,张云良一直住在成都。

    He had been living in Chengdu , police said .

  2. 警方称,因家人减少给他的生活费,张云良曾以自杀相威胁。

    Zhang had threatened to commit suicide after his family reduced its financial support to him , police said .

  3. 在张云良位置附近只有他一人的尸体,还有一枚打火机防风罩。尸体倒地的姿势和朝向表明,着火后张没有主动逃生意愿。

    Only one body was found near to Zhang 's seat and the cap of a lighter was retrieved near his body .

  4. 警方说,在张云良所坐位置附近地板上有汽油流淌痕迹,显示是他点火。

    Traces of gasoline found on the floor of the bus near to where Zhang had been sitting indicated he had started the blaze , police said .