
zhōu xiàng
  • phase
周相[zhōu xiàng]
  1. 光波在媒质分界面上的周相突变

    The abrupt phase change 0f light wave at the interface 0f media

  2. 正周相动力冲量的定义可以用类似的式子表示。

    The positive phase dynamic impulse can be defined by a similar expression .

  3. 中长跑组在第一、第二周和第三、第四周、第五周、第六周相比较,组内纵向比较差异均不具有显著性(P0.05)。

    Group of middle and long distance runners in the first , second and third , fourth , sixth week , v week of heavily do not have significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 圆的直径和圆周相关联。

    The diameter and the circumference of a circle .

  5. 这种强劲的表现与上周相呼应当时市场对欧洲各银行压力测试的结果感到欢欣鼓舞。

    That echoed strong performances last week when markets welcomed the results of European bank stress tests .

  6. 在压缩(或爆震)周相下,空气温度上升,在非压缩(或吸收)周相下,空气温度则就下降。

    During the compression ( or blast ) phase , the temperature of the air rises and during the decompression ( or suction ) phase it falls .

  7. 也就是说,进行中的脑电波振动变成周相移动从而脑电波的最高峰总是在和下一个鼓声节奏节拍关联的一个精确点上出现。

    That is , the ongoing oscillations of brain waves became phase shifted so that the peak of the wave always occurred at a precise point relative to the next beat in the drum rhythm .