
  • 网络market drivers
  1. 流动性的市场驱动因素,目前已超过了传统货币政策工具的影响力。

    Market drivers of liquidity currently exceed influences coming from traditional monetary policy instruments .

  2. 互联网泡沫的破灭也导致市场的驱动因素发生改变。

    The dotcom bust also prompted a change in the drivers of markets .

  3. 中国目前是全球市场的主要驱动因素之一。

    China is now one of the main motors of the global market .

  4. 政府加大对市场干预力度的驱动因素主要不是商业性的。

    The drivers of more government involvement in markets are primarily non-commercial .

  5. 但市场选择是主要驱动因素。

    But market selection is the main driver .

  6. 但尽管如此,忽视中国这样一个国家仍然是错误的&即便是在当前的动荡中,中国仍是工业大宗商品市场最重要的驱动因素。

    But it is nonetheless a mistake to overlook the country that even through the current turmoil remains the most important driver of industrial commodity markets .