
  • 网络market compensation
  1. 公益林生态效益市场补偿的法律机制初探

    On The Legal Mechanism of Public Forests Eco-efficiency Market Compensation

  2. 即公平性原则、协调性原则、政府补偿与市场补偿相结合的原则。

    Namely fair principle , the coordination principle , the government compensation and the principle of combining the market compensation .

  3. 其中政府补偿是生态补偿的最直接和最简单的形式,市场补偿是政府补偿的有益补充,NGO参与型是市场补偿的一种有效形式,也是政府补偿的有效辅助模式。

    Government compensation is the most direct and simplest form , the marketing compensation is a conductive supplement to the government compensation , and NGO participation in the market compensation model is an effective form is an effective mode of government compensation .

  4. 生态效益补偿的基本原则包括生态效益为主、兼顾经济效益原则,公平原则,政府补偿与市场补偿相结合原则等。

    The basic principles of eco-compensation include principle of ecological priority , principle of justice , and principle of combination governmental compensation with marketing compensation .

  5. 本文通过对政府补偿和市场补偿的对比,明确了市场补偿的必要性,市场补偿是政府补偿的有益补充。

    This article based on the comparison of government dominant and market-oriented compensation , clarified that market-oriented compensation is very necessary , market-oriented compensation is a useful supplementary to government dominant compensation .

  6. 博弈分析证明了我国应着手变革生态补偿的方式,将市场补偿作为跨流域调水生态补偿重要组成部分。

    The game analysis makes it clear that China should proceed to change the way of ecological compensation and make market compensation an important part of ecological compensation for interbasin water transfer .

  7. 因此,建立一个对经营失败的金融机构进行市场补偿的长效机制,被列入中国十一五规划金融体制改革的重点。

    Therefore , building up a long effect mechanism of the market offset towards the problem financial institution , is included in the point of financial dispensation reform in China " 15 " program .

  8. 回顾国内外在多领域的生态补偿实践,结合案例总结了代表性国家的补偿模式特点,并深入辨析政府补偿和市场补偿这两种补偿方式的特点和适用条件。

    Review the ecological compensation practice in many fields , and summarized the characteristics of several country , combined with the representative cases . Then , further differentiate the features and application condition of government compensation and market compensation .

  9. 商业性征地必须按市场价格补偿。

    The commercial requisition of land should be compensated in marketing price .

  10. 比较目前国际自愿碳汇市场主要补偿标准的特点及优缺点。

    Advantage and disadvantage were compared among the main carbon offset standards for international voluntary carbon sequestration market .

  11. 国家对集体建设用地须依法征收并实行市场性补偿。

    The expropriation of such land shall be conducted in compliance with the law and in return for compensation at market price .

  12. 证券投资者保护基金作为证券市场风险补偿机制的重要组织形式,在发达国家(地区)已有成功的立法与实践经验。

    The protection fund of securities investors is regarded as the important organizational form of the risk compensation mechanism of security market-the developed country has already had successful legislation and practical experience abroad .

  13. 目前,我国事实的生态补偿政策主要包括财政补偿、流域内部补偿、征收生态环境补偿税费、市场方式补偿、异地开发补偿和国家间补偿。

    At present , ecological compensation policy in China mainly includes : financial compensation , compensation within the river basin , imposing tax on eco-environmental compensation , compensation by market , compensation on developing outside and compensation between different countries .

  14. 讨论可中断负荷(IL)市场的经济补偿模型及报价清算规则,指出参与系统备用服务的IL市场与发电侧备用市场之间的协调对于发电充裕性的重要性。

    Economic compensation model and bidding clearing rules for interruptible load ( IL ) market are discussed and coordination between IL and generation-side reserve capacity for generation adequacy is emphasized .

  15. 任何国有化和征用都必须以公允的市场价值进行补偿。

    There must be compensation at fair market value for any nationalisation or expropriation .

  16. 所有城镇拆迁均采取市场评估确定补偿价格。

    Determination of compensation price for removal of towns employs the method of market evaluation .

  17. 但我们得冒这样的风险,即我们购买的任何一座四合院都有可能被拆迁,而我们只能从政府那里得到低于市场价的补偿。

    But we ran the risk that any courtyard house we bought might be demolished and we would receive below-the-market compensation from the government .

  18. 本文通过建模,对中国股市和成熟市场的风险补偿系数以及投资者的风险承受能力进行了比较研究。

    This paper also gave a comparative study of risk premium coefficients and investors ' bearing capability of risk between China 's stock market and international mature market .

  19. 在第四部分和第五部分笔者讲分别从市场失灵以及补偿的衡量两方面来探讨美国是怎样对土地征收进行补偿的。

    In the fourth part and the fifth part the author stresses from market failure and compensation measure to discuss how the United States on the land expropriation compensation .

  20. 她表示:我要求把我重新安置到一处面积相同、地理位置相似的房子中,或按照市场价格给予补偿。这些要求符合中国法律。

    My request , to relocate me into a house of the same size and similar location or compensate me at the market rate , is made according to Chinese law , she said .

  21. 但也存在的一些问题,需要我们予以完善:一是市场交易式补偿的分散性、滞后性;二是水资源补偿还有待产权理论创新的支撑;三是政府间的调控与参与力度需加强。

    However , some problems remain , such as dispersion and lag of market transaction compensation mode , the need of support from property rights theory innovation for water resources , the urgency to strengthen regulation and involvement in the government .

  22. 该文结合我国具体实际,从界定公益范围、利用市场完善征地补偿机制、规范征地程序三方面着手,提出了与我国当前社会经济背景相适应的征地制度改革思路。

    The paper relates our country specifically actual situation , from limiting public interests scope , using the market compensative mechanism , and standardizing the procedure of land requisition , to propose reform idea adapted to our country current social economy background .

  23. 在哥斯达黎加和墨西哥,环境市场让用水户补偿上游林地所有者,以减少河流中的泥沙淤积。

    In Costa Rica and Mexico , these markets let water users compensate upstream forest owners for reducing sediments in rivers .

  24. 节能发电调度的经济补偿机制研究(二)基于市场机制的经济补偿机制设计与分析

    Research on Economic Compensation Mechanism for Energy-saving Generation Dispatch Part Two Design and Analysis of Economic Compensation Mechanism Based on Market Mechanism

  25. 将潘蓉案放到美国法语境中,潘蓉也得不到完全与市场价等值的补偿。

    If Pan Rong case has been taken place in America , Pan Rong couldn 't got the compensation completely equivalent market value .

  26. 在公平视角下,择校制应遵循市场竞争、利益补偿、政府主导准则。

    From the viewpoint of equality , choosing-school system should follow the criteria of market competition , benefit compensation and the leading role of the government .

  27. 由于公益林经营目标的公益性,公益林经营的资金主要只能由非市场的方式给予补偿,财政资金是公益林生态补偿的基本资金来源。

    Because of the public-welfare objective of public-welfare forests management , the capital of it , suggests the article , should mainly come from compensation provided by non-market means .

  28. 针对电力市场环境下经济补偿分析的需要,采用分布式松弛节点的超解耦潮流算法对某实际电网发电偏离电量的现象进行了模拟分析计算。

    To analyze economic compensations in the power market , the super decoupled load flow algorithm with distributed slack bus was adopted to conduct simulation analysis and calculation for power generation deviation .

  29. 不管是国债市场的流动性补偿作用,还是企业债市场流动性的跨市场作用,均主要源于非预期流动性的影响,预期流动性的影响作用则相对微弱。

    Both the within-market effects of liquidity on the Treasury bond market and the cross-market effects of enterprise bond market liquidity on Treasury bond market returns , the effects of unexpected liquidity dominate that of expected liquidity .

  30. 第四个是技术性约束,利率特别是基准利率未市场化,风险补偿经验数据缺失也导致定价难;第五章主要分析了集合债券的创新性和不足。

    The fourth part is a technical constraint which the non market-oriented benchmark interest rate ; risk compensation for lack of empirical data has also led to difficult pricing . Chapter five mainly discusses the innovation and the shortcomings of the collection notes .