
  • 网络Shinan District
  1. 市南区孕妇弓形虫感染率较低,但文化程度低者及喜食生食、半熟食品及烧烤食品者感染率较高。

    The toxoplasma infection rate in Shinan district was lower , but it was higher for the people who had lower education background and liked to eat raw , mid raw , sear food .

  2. 市南区位于青岛市市区南部,是青岛市历史最久的城区之一,同时也是青岛市的行政、旅游、文化、商贸、金融、科技中心。

    Located at the southern urban area of Qingdao Municipality , Shinan District is administrative , tourist , culture , business , finance , and science and technology center of the city .

  3. 市南区以丰富的旅游资源著称。

    Shinan Districtis well known for rich tourist resources .

  4. 她表示,在该市南区的市场有大约300人被捕。

    She said about 300 people were arrested in the market in the southern section of town .

  5. 市南区位于风景秀丽的黄海之滨,是青岛市的政治中心区、金融区、商贸区、旅游度假区和教育科研区。

    Shinan is located at the beautiful shore of HuangHai , as the center of capital , economy , travel and education of QingDao .

  6. 在上海市南区污水输送干线改建工程的基础上,合理利用顶管施工工艺,以一级倒虹代替多级倒虹的水力条件改善来进一步进行优化设计。

    In the Shanghai South District waste water delivery main line modification project , due to using jacking process to replace multiple inverted siphons with once inverted siphon , hydraulic condition was improved , which made design optimization of pump station possible .