
  1. 创建节水型城市提高水资源综合利用效应&苏州市水务局局长黄雪球访谈录

    Build Water-conservation City Enhance Full Use of Water resources

  2. 北京市水务局办公信息管理系统设计与应用研究北京市工商行政管理局

    Design and Application Research in the Office Information Management System of Beijing Water-affair Authority

  3. 天津市水务局官员韩英说,沿海城市也不例外。

    Han Ying , an official with the Tianjin municipal water administration , says the coastal city is no exception .

  4. 主要介绍了深圳市水务局东江水源工程管理处东江3水泵摆度过大的分析及处理过程,希望能对相应的水泵处理有所借鉴。

    This paper introduces analyzing and solution of pump 3 's obstacle at Dongjiang station of water source engineering management department .

  5. 2011年01月18日北京市水务局近日表示,未来五年,北京将建立最严格的水资源管理制度,以缓解水资源短缺的状况。

    2011-01-18 Beijing will adopt tough water management measures in the next five years to ease acute water shortages , according to local water authorities .

  6. 为查明地面塌陷、房屋倒塌原因,深圳市水务局邀请在深圳的水文地质、工程地质专家进行研讨。

    In order to find out the cause of the above phenomena , Shenzhen Water Affairs Bureau invited many experts in hydrogeology and engineering geology to discuss on the relevant problems .

  7. 结合苏州市水务局的苏州市城市中心区河道引调水工程课题,把研究成果运用到实际引调水工程中去。

    The coupling model and the presented methods were applied to the water diversion simulating in the project , Water Diversion Project for Canals in Central Suzhou City , which is funded by the Suzhou Water Bureau .