
  • 网络secretary;the secretary of municipal Party committee;Municipal Committee of the CPC
  1. 市委书记戴道晋参加调研座谈会。

    Dai Daojin , secretary of the CPC Chenzhou Municipal Committee , attended the investigation symposium .

  2. 市委书记的车牌号是00001,而市长的牌号为00002。

    The party secretary 's number plate includes the numbers 00001 , while the mayor 's displays 00002 .

  3. 这位前重庆市委书记的高人气是有理由的。

    The Chongqing party chief was popular for a reason .

  4. 四名佛山市公务员满面春风地钻进面包车,他们刚刚有幸与佛山市委书记进行了一次会面。

    Four local government employees jump into their minibus , beaming from ear to ear .

  5. 有转身给我介绍:无双,这位是是新乡市委书记的公子祝彪。

    I turned to a unique introduction : this is what the Communist party 's son proveince xinxiang .

  6. 在日前召开的全市规划工作会议上,南京市委书记罗志军的话掷地有声。

    In the city recently held a planning meeting , the secretary of the Nanjing City Luozhijun so soon .

  7. 他于2006年9月被免除上海市委书记职务,此后被开除党籍。

    After being dismissed as Shanghai party secretary in September 2006 , he was expelled from the Communist Party .

  8. 石家庄的市委书记因延迟上报毒牛奶害死数名儿童事件被免职。

    Shijiazhuang s Communist Party chief was fired for delaying a report of the tainted milk that killed several children .

  9. 照片上是绵竹市委书记蒋国华和绵竹市五福镇富新二小遇难学生的家长。

    It showed party secretary Jiang Guohua with parents of children killed in the Fuxin No.2 Primary School in Mianzhu .

  10. 二月份,湛江市委书记接见了一群都姓“国”的孤儿们。

    In february , the party chief of the southern city of Zhanjiang met a group of local orphans , all surnamed guo .

  11. 在中国,许多官员都渴望能有机会与本地市委书记说上话,坐在这个位置的人手里掌握着他们日后整个职业生涯的命运。

    Many Chinese officials long for an to salute the local party boss , in whose hands rests the fate of their entire career .

  12. 官方媒体《南方都市报》周一刊登了那幅跪倒在地的市委书记的照片,引发了网上的激烈讨论。

    The photo of the kneeling party secretary was the subject of intense online discussion Monday after it was published by the state-run Southern Metropolis Daily .

  13. 副省长陈肇雄、娄底市委书记林武等领导出席仪式。

    Chen Zhaoxiong , deputy governor of Hunan Province and Lin Wu , secretary of the CPC Loudi Municipal Committee and other leaders attended the ceremony .

  14. 山东省泰安市委书记杨鲁豫率考察团来到长沙,考察长沙市文化产业发展情况。

    Yang Luyu , secretary of the CPC Tai'an Municipal Committee of Shandong Province , headed a delegation to investigate the development of Changsha cultural industry .

  15. 杭州市委书记王国平在签署仪式上发言,谈到了合作的具体内容。

    In his speech at the signing ceremony , Wang guoping , Secretary of Hangzhou Municipal Communist Party committee , detailed the content of the cooperation .

  16. 徐州市副市长、邳州市委书记李连玉向国家级验收组简要汇报了邳州关于创建中国优秀旅游城市的情况。

    Xuzhou City deputy mayor , Pizhou Party Secretary Li , Lianyu acceptance to the national group summary report of Pizhou build on the excellent Chinese tourist cities .

  17. 例如,中国药监局局长最近因收受贿赂被处以死刑,而上海市委书记因盗用社保基金锒铛入狱。

    For example , Chinas food safety chief was recently executed for taking payoffs , while the Communist Party leader in Shanghai has been jailed for stealing pension funds .

  18. 在2007年,对于他重庆市委书记的任命,实际上是设计调他离开北京,远离权力中心所在地。

    His appointment in 2007 , as party secretary of Chongqing , was in fact devised to move him out of Beijing and away from the seat of power .

  19. 9月8日中秋之前,省反贪委员会抵达运城市调查前运城市委书记王茂设一案。

    Before the Mid-Autumn Festival on September 8 , the provincial anti-corruption commission arrived in Yuncheng for an investigation into Wang Maoshe , the city 's former party chief .

  20. 下面进行会议的第一项议程,有请娄底市副厅级干部、涟源市委书记王雄同志讲话!

    The first item on the agenda for the meeting is a speech from Wang Xiong , Deputy Department Cadres of Loudi , CPC Secretary of Lianyuan . Welcome !

  21. 保定市委书记李剑方,承诺将调查他称之为(继承权?)的问题,并将责任人员绳之以法。

    Deputy Party Secretary of Baoding City , Li Jianfang , pledged to investigate into what he called an inherited problem and vowed to bring to justice whoever is responsible .

  22. 按照中国的党政领导体制,中国660个建制市每个都由市长和市委书记共同治理,虽然实际上市长常常要服从书记的领导。

    Under China 's party-government leadership system , each of the country 's 660 administratively designated cities have a mayor and Communist Party secretary who govern jointly , though in practice the mayor is usually to the party chief .

  23. 该女子后来因自己的房地产案件被拘捕,据称她曾与财政部前部长以及港口城市青岛的市委书记有染,这两人后来均被免职。

    The woman , who was later detained herself over her property deals , was linked to the then finance minister as well as the party secretary of the port city of Qingdao , who both lost their jobs .

  24. 此外,中国中部湖北省襄阳市委书记王君正也证实了襄阳至桂林高速铁路线已被列入国家十三五规划,并将在未来5年内开建。

    Furthermore , Wang Junzheng , the secretary of Xiangyang Municipal Committee , central China 's Hubei province , also confirmed that the Xiangyang-Guilin high-speed rail line has been listed into the national 13th Five-year Plan , and will start construction over the next five years .

  25. 已经发现的有严重腐败犯罪的高级官员包括,原国家统计局主任邱晓华,原食品药品监督管理局局长郑晓玉,原上海市委书记陈良玉。

    Several senior officials , including Qiu xiaohua , the former director of the National Bureau of statistics ; zheng xiaoyu , the former head of the food and drug administration ; and Chen liangyu , the former party head of shanghai , have been found guilty of serious corruption .

  26. 会议由市委副书记李红芬主持。

    The conference manages by municipal party committee Assistant Deputy Secretary Li Hongfen .

  27. 2004年4月27日,广州市委副书记朱振中莅临我院视察。

    Zhu Zhenzhong , Vice Party Secretary of Guangzhou , visited our college on Apr.27,2004 .

  28. 长沙市委副书记谢树林出席成立仪式并授牌。

    Xie Shulin , deputy secretary of the Changsha Municipal CPC Committee , attended the unveiling ceremony and conferred the plate .

  29. 共青团北京市委副书记杨海滨表示:“学习雷锋可以是一种相互关心,彼此受益的行为,是文明社会的基础。”

    Yang Haibin , deputy secretary of China Communist Youth League Beijing Committee said : " learning from Lei Feng could be a mutually caring and benefiting act , which is the basis of civilized society . "

  30. 茂名市委副书记廖锋正在接受中央纪委调查,有迹象表明当地官员为了谋取立法机构公职,以及干部选拔对他人进行行贿。

    A deputy party chief of Maoming city in the southern province of Guangdong has been placed under investigation by the Communist Party 's graft fighter , in a sign that a probe over local officials offering bribes for legislative seats and promotions is expanding .