
  1. 记者未能联系到他置评,打到贵溪市政府办公室的电话也无人接听。

    He could not be reached and phone calls to the Guixi government offices rang unanswered .

  2. 他说:摸熟政界门路的最佳途径是给市政府办公室的一名候选人当义工,从发竞选传单到安排群众政治大会这一切工作你都得做。

    1 : The best way to learn the ropes about politics is to do volunteer work for a candidate for city office .

  3. 中国媒体确认这名官员名叫王军华,是贵溪市政府办公室副主任。

    Chinese media identified the man as Wang Junhua , the vice director of an unspecified government office in the city of Guixi .

  4. 市政厅是一座有市政府办公室和会议大厅的大楼。

    A town hall is a building with offices for the government of the area around the town and with rooms for public meetings .

  5. 《现代快报》消息,近日在江苏省无锡市政府办公室外面,常常可以看见一位小伙子举着一幅“不为人民服务”的锦旗。

    A young man holding a banner that reads " Not for the People " can regularly be seen outside government offices in Wuxi City , Jiangsu Province , the Modern Express reports .

  6. 据温州市政府办公室和纪检监察部门6月19日发布的公告,公务接待每人每餐不得超过人民币60元(约合9.4美元)。

    Wenzhou officials have limited official reception spending to 60 yuan ( about $ 9.40 ) per meal per person , according to an announcement published June 19 by the local government office and the city 's disciplinary commission .

  7. 事件发生几个小时以后,抗议者试图袭击斯法克斯市政府办公室,警方动用了催泪瓦斯,今天这起袭击再次引起了外界对突尼斯政治动荡的担心,突尼斯是阿拉伯之春运动的发源地。

    Hours later , protestors trying to storm a local government office in Sfax , police moved in with tear gas , today 's attack is renewing fears of political instability in Tunisia , the birthplace of the Arab Spring .

  8. 市政府灯饰办公室颁发了荣誉证书。

    Lighting the Office of the municipal government issued a certificate .

  9. 徐和建是北京市政府新闻办公室主任。

    Xu Hejian is the director of the Information Office of the Beijing municipal government .

  10. 随后,他回到市政府,办公室的侍者看见他正细心研究挂在他办公室里的一张法国公路图。

    Then he returned to the town-hall , and the clerk observed him attentively examining a road map of France which hung in his study .

  11. 值此电子地图开通之际,我谨代表在长外国友人向长春市政府外事办公室表示忠心的感谢!

    Therefore , on behalf of the Foreign Community I would like to thank the Municipal People Government and CCFAO for providing us this wonderful EMAP .

  12. 北京市政府征兵办公室表示,与北京市首次征召在校大学生入伍的2001年相比,大学生士兵所占征集兵员比例已从0.1%上升至60%。

    According to Beijing 's conscription office , compared with 2001 - the first year Beijing began to enroll university students in the army - the ratio of university recruits has risen from 0.1 percent to 60 percent .

  13. 厦门市政府新闻办公室发表声明表示,陈水总生于1954年,是厦门当地人,经查明是公交车火灾的纵火犯,火灾致47人死亡,另有34人入院治疗。

    The information office of the city government says in a statement that Chen Shuizong , born in 1954 and a native of Xiamen , was identified as the arsonist of the fire , which claimed 47 lives and hospitalized 34 others .

  14. 新闻门户网站澎湃网引述了上海市政府法制办公室副主任罗培新的发言称,除了用教育的方法来提升民众的道德责任感以外,有关部门还可以用法律手段强制要求人们履行自己的责任。

    Luo Peixin , a deputy director of the Shanghai government legislative affairs office , was quoted by news portal thepaper.cn as saying that aside from influencing people through moral education , the authorities can use legal means to force people to fulfill their duties .

  15. 市政府的行政办公室所在的地方。

    A building that houses administrative offices of a municipal government .

  16. 北京市人民政府法制办公室

    Legal Affairs Office of the People 's Government of Beijing Municipality

  17. 台州市人民政府外事侨务办公室

    " Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government "

  18. 温州侨务出入境服务有限公司成立于1998年,原隶属于温州市人民政府华侨事务办公室。

    Wenzhou Overseas Entry-Exit Services Co. , Ltd was established in1998 , subject to Overseas Affairs Office of Wenzhou People 's Government .

  19. 《外国专家证明书》由国家外国专家局及各省、自治区、直辖市,计划单列市人民政府外事办公室签发。

    This certificate is issued by the State Administration of foreign experts affairs , and by offices of foreign affairs in provinces , regions and cities .