
  • 网络gyroscopic effect;gyroscopic action
  1. 声表面波(SAW)中陀螺效应的理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Gyroscopic Effect in SAW

  2. 基于铌酸锂介质的SAW陀螺效应声光检测系统设计与分析三维物体形状的光检测方法的研究

    On Acoustooptical Measuring Technology to SAW Gyroscopic Effect on LiNbO_3 Research on the Project Light Model in the Acquisition of Three-Dimensional Shape

  3. 现阶段声表面波陀螺效应主要应用在SAW陀螺仪(角速度传感器)领域,但是还处于理论研究阶段。

    In present , SAW gyroscope effect is mainly used in the SAW gyroscope ( angularvelocity sensor ) field , but in the stage of theoretical research .

  4. 并联机构机电耦合动力学计算结合定参数PID控制器方程和具有陀螺效应的不对称转子运动方程形成了电磁轴承支承的转子系统的机电耦合动力学方程。

    The Electromechanical coupling dynamic equations of the rotor system supported by electromagnetic bearings are obtained by combining the equations of the PID controllers with invariable parameters and the motion equations of the un-symmetric rotor with gyro effect .

  5. 使用ANSYS和MATLAB等大型软件,对工程实例进行了计算,讨论了陀螺效应、不平衡磁拉力、导轴承刚度等因素对机组临界转速的影响及影响程度。

    Through using the large softwares ANSYS and MATLAB , an example is computed . The influences and influence degree of various factors such as gyroscopic effect , unbalanced electromagnetic forces , stiffness of bearings are discussed .

  6. 理论计算表明布拉格衍射角及其变化十分微小(弧分、秒数量级),所以能否在实践中成功地检测受Ω调制的布拉格衍射角,关系到SAW陀螺效应声光探测和检测方案的成败。

    However , the diffracted angle and its variation due to SAW gyroscopic effect is very tiny ( arcmin and arcsec level ), so the key to the plan is whether such a tiny Bragg diffractive angle can be measured with success .

  7. 提出了利用Cholesky分解来构造有陀螺效应机械系统的低维控制模型的一种新方法。

    This paper proposes a new method by cholesky decomposition to construct the reduced-order model of mechanical system with strong gyroscopic effect .

  8. 转子模型中考虑了陀螺效应,结合分散PID(ProportionalIntegralDifferential)控制器方程和转子运动方程,形成系统方程。

    The effects of gyroscope can be taken into consideration in the model of the rotor . The system equations are formulated by combining the equations of the motion of the rotor and the equations of the decentralized PID ( proportional integral differential ) controllers .

  9. 利用转子动力学和有限单元的思想,考虑轴向连续点的陀螺效应,通过Lagrange方程建立自旋弹箭横向振动方程。

    Rotor dynamics and finite element method is made use of , taking into consideration the continuous gyroscopic effect . Finite element equations of transverse vibration of the spinning rocket is presented by means of the Lagrange equation .

  10. 计及转盘陀螺效应的转子临界转速计算图线

    The Critical Speed Diagram of the Rotors Considering the Gyroscopic Effect

  11. 陀螺效应对电磁轴承系统设计的影响

    Influence of gyroscopic effect on Design of active magnetic bearing system

  12. 含陀螺效应的声表面波波动方程的求解

    Study of Solving wave Equation of Surface Acoustic waves with Gyroscopic Effect

  13. 激光描扫检测系统中陀螺效应对检测误差的影响

    The Influence of Top-effect on Inspecting Error in Laser Scanning Inspecting System

  14. 陀螺效应在旋转秋千中的应用

    The Application of Top Effect in a new Rotating Swing

  15. 考虑陀螺效应的增压器转子动力特性分析

    Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Turbocharger Rotor Based on Gyro Effect

  16. 考虑陀螺效应的动力总成悬置系统分析和优化

    Analysis and Optimization of Engine-mount System with Gyro Effect

  17. 旋转主轴的陀螺效应对铣削系统稳定性的影响

    Study of Gyroscopic Effect of Spindle on the Stability Characteristics of the Milling System

  18. 石英晶体上的声表面波陀螺效应

    Surface Acoustic Wave Gyroscopic Effect in Quartz

  19. 陀螺效应使永磁悬浮心脏泵稳定平衡

    Permanent Maglev Centrifugal Pump Stabilized by Gyro-effect

  20. 考虑了轴向扭矩、集总质量和陀螺效应。

    The axial torque , lumped shaft mass , and gyroscopic moments are taken into account .

  21. 磁悬浮飞轮转子在高转速下表现出的陀螺效应是影响系统稳定性的主要因素。

    At high rotational speeds , the gyroscopic effect of flywheel rotor is the major factor that influences rotor stability .

  22. 实验证明,该系统能够有效地抑制高速转子的陀螺效应,达到控制力矩陀螺电磁轴承高速稳定运行的要求。

    Experiment result shows that the method can effectively compensate gyroscopic effects , and meet the requirements of high-speed magnetic bearing .

  23. 以目前国外研究小组所用的铌酸锂为对象,对含陀螺效应的声表面波的波动方程进行求解。

    This article gives the solutions to the fluctuation equations of SAW involving gyroscopic effect , taking LiNbO_3 as the model material .

  24. 并通过建立有效的分离机立轴系统计算模型,采用有限元方法计算分析了转鼓陀螺效应对其临界转速及相应振型的影响。

    Then using finite element method , the critical speed and the corresponding mode are calculated by establishing effective calculating model of centrifuge .

  25. 研究表明,该控制器解决了陀螺效应导致的主动磁轴承-飞轮转子的不稳定性问题,且抑制了噪声对磁轴承稳定性所造成的破坏。

    It shows that the controller can solve the instability problem of flywheel rotor and restrain the damage of the system that noise cause .

  26. 讨论了陀螺效应、磁拉力、刚度及阻尼等因素对机组临界转速和动力响应的影响及影响程度,计算结果表明:陀螺效应对机组临界转速影响显著,而对机组的动力响应影响不大;

    The influence and influence degree of various factors such as gyroscopic effect , electric-magnetic forces , stiffness and damp to vibration properties are discussed .

  27. 文中讨论了转子盘的陀螺效应,静、动不平衡,内、外阻尼和静不平衡量的初相角等多种因素对瞬态响应的影响。

    The influences of gyroscopic effect of the rotor , external and internal damping as well as the initial phase angle of static unbalance on the transient response are discussed .

  28. 本文研究的基于平衡杆控制的走钢丝机器人与利用飞轮陀螺效应的控制方式有着本质的不同。

    The research of his article is to control the balancing pole to keep the robot self-balance , and this method is totally different from the gyroscopic effect of a flywheel .

  29. 本文分析具有圆盘的轴在高速运转的情况下,陀螺效应对其临界转速的影响。提出了计入陀螺效应时,计算临界转速的方法。

    This paper analyses the effects on the critical speed of the axis of rotation from the gyroscopic action under the circumstance that an axle with a circular disc is in a high-speed operation .

  30. 所建立方法不但能够同时处理存在阻尼与陀螺效应的高维系统,而且可推广用于分析复参数矩阵问题与弱非线性系统。

    The approach is not only suit for the linear systems with both damping and gyroscopic effects , but also can be extended to those problems with complex parametric matrices and systems of weak non linearity .