
yù jià
  • the emperor;imperial carriage
御驾 [yù jià]
  • [emperor's carriages] 皇帝的车驾

  • 御驾亲征

  1. Bentley又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。

    Bentley is famous for its luxurious , rich concept car . It 's also the car that the British Queen uses .

  2. 这次御驾亲征的目的正是如此。

    That was the object of the present expedition .

  3. 珀西从未“御驾亲征”

    Percy never goes into the field .

  4. 通过工程实例,结合两次勘察成果,分析了御驾泉尾矿坝坝体沉积尾矿在固结沉降过程中物理力学性质的变化规律。

    By an example and with the result of two geotechnical investigation , the change regulation on mechanical properties of tailings dam deposit is analysed in the process of consolidation and settlement .