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yù bǎo
  • crown jewels;imperial jade seal
御宝 [yù bǎo]
  • [imperial jade seal] 皇帝、君主的御印

  1. 王室的御宝在伦敦塔展出。

    The crown jewels are on display in the tower of london .

  2. 御宝至尊烤鸭店新加坡(升9位)第40位

    Imperial Treasure Super Peking Duck , Singapore ( + 9 ) \# 40

  3. 詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂今天早些时候被控企图偷窃皇冠御宝

    James Moriarty , earlier today accused of ... attempting to steal the Crown Jewels .

  4. 它曾是世界上已知的最大钻石,现在是英国镶嵌在王冠上的御宝之一,据称价值1亿英镑。

    It was once the world 's largest-known diamond , is worth a reported 100m and is currently part of Britain 's crown jewels .