
  1. 这里的瓷土、高岭土土矿藏丰富,自宋代开始烧制御器。

    It has rich resources of china clay and kaolin , and imperial chinaware was produced there early in the Song Dynasty .

  2. 因此,这两件青花八方烛台很可能是明代御器厂款识书写制度定型前的宣德早期作品。

    Thus it seems very probable that these two candlesticks belong to the earlier part of the Xuande reign , before the general introduction of the reign mark on imperial wares .

  3. 15世纪早期的明代御器厂制作了大量的外销中东地区的瓷器,其中大部分应该是通过郑和下西洋带去的。

    Large quantities of blue and white were made at the imperial kilns and distributed in the Middle East in the early15th century , mainly through the great maritime expeditions led by Admiral Cheng He .

  4. 乾隆二年(1737年)唐英奏报了一份次色御器的表册,由此档可以与明代比较青花的制价。

    In 1737 , TANG-Ying had presented a list about the second class imperial porcelains to emperor , according to this file we can compare the cost price of blue and white porcelain with that of the Ming Dynasty .