
fà lánɡ cǎi
  • colour enamel
  1. 此款珐琅彩瓷器造型特点:腹部丰满,底足为光滑的泥鳅背,器物肩部线条流畅自然。

    This colored enamel porcelain features bumpy middle , smooth loach-back-like support , and shoulders with smooth and natural line .

  2. 珐琅彩所用的材料,色择晶莹,质地凝厚,用作装饰,花纹有微凸堆之感。

    Enameled materials used , color choice crystal , texture condensate thick , used for decoration and pattern have Weitu heap feeling .

  3. 藏品描述:珐琅彩,花鸟管笔,国宝,馆藏级,嘉庆款,官窑制品。

    Enamel color pipe brush , which is national treasure , museum collected with painting of flower and birds , Chia-Ching seal , government kiln products .

  4. 台北故宫珍藏乾隆瓶是用蓝色珐琅彩署双圈四字楷书款,其样式与本拍品的雍正款相同。

    Like the Yongzheng marks on the current vases , the Qianlong mark on the small Taipei vase is a four-character mark written in blue enamel within a double square .

  5. 后来虽然又发展出了各种颜色的珐琅彩,但“景泰蓝”已经作为一种工艺品名称一代代沿袭下来,而不再是指一种颜色了。

    Although there are various colors of enamel developed later on , the name " Jing Tai Lan " is still used to refer to this kind of art craft , but not only a color any more .