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  1. 目的筛选出肾母细胞瘤患儿特异性血清蛋白质标记物,建立肾母细胞瘤临床分期模型与CT分期进行对照分析,并评价其临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the different values of specific serum protein biomarkers and CT scan in the tumor stage in nephroblastoma .

  2. 设计、制造出与母型船驾驶室内相似的操纵盘台,并采用多种先进的建模技术,建立起系统工作模型,使其能模拟实船的运行工况。

    By adopting multiple advanced building model technology , the system working model is established to emulate the operations conditions of real dredgers .

  3. 在雌花中雌蕊原基出现后雌花进一步发育,花芽的中心凹陷发育为下位子房,雄蕊的花药原基中并未分化出小孢子母细胞。

    Following the formation of pistil primordium in the female flower , the center of the flower begins to cave in to form the ovary , however the microsporocytes have not differentiated within the anther primordia .

  4. 为了便于计数,取代冠醚的构型、手性构型和非手性构型的计数采用平面模型,并利用Polya计数定理求出其计数母函数,最后使用计算机计算,结果列表给出。

    For convenience'sake , a plane model is applied in the enumerating of the configurations and Polya theorem is used to find out all the counting generating functions . The numerical results are given by computer and tabulated .

  5. 铁凝以独特的笔致,在母亲系谱的构建中,以母性为链,勾连起女性的过去、现在与未来,展现出祖辈、母辈、子辈三代之间的生存景象和灵魂镜像。

    Tie ning 's writings on maternity link the past , present , and the future of female , connecting the ancestors mother generation and filial generation .

  6. 其次,分析包含必然环的子矩阵的结构特点,设计出一种母矩阵必然环长的检测算法。

    Second , analyzing the structure of sub-matrix included inevitable cycle , I design a kind of algorithm to detect the length of mother matrix inevitable cycle .

  7. 接着利用距离准则,在确定最优小波包基的同时,结合选择出的小波母函数,优选出油气识别用的分频带能量特征参数;

    Following that , using the distant rules , we determine the classic wavelet basis and at the same time select the best energy character parameters which are used to recognize oil & gas .

  8. 哺乳动物出生后通过口服母乳不断获得母源抗体,而雏鸡出壳后,母源抗体获得相对有限。

    Postnatal mammals can obtain maternal antibody through breast milk . But the quantity of maternal antibody in chickens out of crust is limited .