
chū guó
  • go abroad;leave one's native land
出国 [chū guó]
  • [go abroad] 到外国去

  • 出国作一次短期的访问

出国[chū guó]
  1. 我要离职出国。

    I 'm going to chuck it all in and go abroad .

  2. 症结在于我们今年担负不起出国的费用。

    The crunch is that we can 't afford to go abroad this year .

  3. 今年再度出国是绝无可能的。

    Another trip abroad this year is out of the question .

  4. 出国旅行必须持有护照。

    The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel .

  5. 老板出国期间由谁代管?

    Who 's minding the shop while the boss is abroad ?

  6. 目前这个国家是燃料净输出国。

    The country is now a net exporter of fuel .

  7. 我出国期间体重一个劲地增加。

    The weight just piled on while I was abroad .

  8. 他一生中从来不敢出国。

    He 's never ventured abroad in his life .

  9. 这个出国工作的机会你可不要错过。

    Don 't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers .

  10. 他们出国换换环境。

    They went abroad for a change of scene .

  11. 苏联时代的公民被禁止出国旅游。

    Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad .

  12. 他曾多次出国。

    He had been abroad many times .

  13. 这是我第一次出国,我要充分利用这个机会。

    It 's my first trip abroad so I 'm going to make the most of it .

  14. 我选择出国工作以求在事业上有更好的发展。

    I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospects .

  15. 吴先生出国时由他代替。

    He will stand in for Mr Goh when he is abroad

  16. 那些离开该省出国打工的人大部分都未经专门训练。

    Most of those who left the province to work abroad were unskilled .

  17. 出国度假需持有效护照。

    For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport

  18. 由于工作原因,我经常出国。

    My work takes me abroad a lot .

  19. 他第一次作为电视记者出国采访时就被扣作人质。

    He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist .

  20. 我今年很想出国,可能是去法国南部。

    I would love to go abroad this year , perhaps to the South of France .

  21. 她一想到要出国留学就感到害怕。

    She felt daunted by the prospect of studying abroad .

  22. 他被派出国执行一项艰巨任务。

    He was sent abroad on a difficult assignment .

  23. 她正面临着选择结婚还是出国留学的两难境地。

    She is faced with the dilemma of choosing between marriage and studying abroad .

  24. 他被诱出国。

    He was allured from the country .

  25. 他出国已经取得系主任的同意。

    He has obtained the consent of the dean for going abroad .

  26. 他授权我在他出国期间代行他的职务。

    He authorized me to act for him while he is abroad .

  27. 你出国时带多少外币?

    How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad ?

  28. 将派更多的同志出国深造。

    More comrades will be sent to study abroad .

  29. 他放弃了出国的念头。

    He gives up the idea of going abroad .

  30. 小张随同代表团出国访问去了。

    Xiao Zhang has gone to accompany a delegation on a visit abroad .