
  • 网络multiple entry visa;multiple-entry visa;Multiple Visa
  1. 当前的韩国签证制度规定,可以发给持有多次往返签证者的配偶和子女同样的签证。

    The current system of the visa regime says the multiple entry visa is also issued to the spouse and minor children of a person with the visa .

  2. 2011年01月04日据日本当地媒体报道,从今年夏天起,中国个人游客将可能持多次往返签证前往日本旅游。

    2011-01-04 Individual Chinese tourists are likely to visit Japan with multiple-entry visas from this summer , local media reported on Monday .

  3. 我的签证是多次往返签证,我可以随便进出这个国家。

    My visa is multi-entry ; it allows me to exit the country and then re-enter , as often as I like .

  4. 深圳海关官员刘丽珍(音译)表示,此举旨在打击滥用多次往返签证机制的情况。

    Liu Lizhen , a Shenzhen customs official , said the move was aimed at clamping down on the abuse of the multiple re-entry system .

  5. 今年年初,该部门曾表示,在一月份到新加坡旅行的中国公民持有新加坡多次往返签证的有效期可以延长到10年。

    Earlier this year , the authority said eligible Chinese nationals who travel to Singapore from June can be granted multiple journey visas valid for a maximum of 10 years .

  6. 当局公告表示,凡是持有5年及以上新加坡多次往返签证的6岁以上中国公民,并在过去12个月到访新加坡至少3次,即可向移民与关卡局免费注册,享受该服务。

    The authority said holders of Chinese passports aged 6 and above who are holding a valid five-year ( or longer ) Multiple Journey Visas issued by Singapore and have visited the nation at least three times in the preceding 12 months , are eligible to enroll for the automated service free of charge .

  7. 长期居留主要是对来华留学、工作、投资等人员给予1-5年多次往返的签证和居留证件。

    The main thing is to come to study long-term residence , work and investment , given the1-5 year multiple entry visas and residence documents .

  8. 外国人最近被告知,他们将不能在获得允许一年内多次往返的商务签证。

    Foreigners have been told recently that they can no longer get a business visa that allows multiple entries to the nation over the course of a year .

  9. 香港入境事务处说,上一次扩大内地游客自由行计划是2009年,当时深圳的本地户籍居民获准得到一年内多次往返香港的签证。

    The last time the scheme was expanded was in 2009 , the city 's immigration department said , when permanent Shenzhen residents were allowed to obtain year-long , multiple-entry visas toHong Kong .

  10. 深圳常住户籍居民已能容易地申请到一年多次往返香港的签证,而自由行计划本周扩大实施后,外地来深圳上学的人以及深圳的非本地户籍居民也将有资格获得一年多次往返香港的签证。

    Though Shenzhen 's permanent residents can easily apply for multiple-entry visas to Hong Kong , this week 's expansion will grant Shenzhen 's students and migrants-that is , those who aren 't permanent city residents-the same privilege .