
duō nián tiáo jié shuǐ kù
  • Multi-year regulating reservoir;carry-over storage
多年调节水库[duō nián tiáo jié shuǐ kù]
  1. 多目标多年调节水库余留期效益函数探讨

    Return functions of remaining stages for multi-objective and over-year storage reservoirs

  2. 分时电价下多年调节水库年末消落水位研究

    Research on year-end level of multi-year regulating storage reservoir for timed power tariff

  3. 多年调节水库坝前水位及库区淹没范围的随机模拟分析

    The Stochastic Simulation Analysis of Storage level and Submerged Zone of Over-year Storage Reservoir

  4. 多年调节水库年末消落水位的多目标决策模型

    A Multi-objective Decision-making Model for the Year-end Level of a Multi-year Regulating Storage Reservoir

  5. 多年调节水库补偿调节联合运行模型及人机对话算法

    Compensation Adjustment and Joint Operation Model as well as Algorithm of Man-machine Interaction for Multiannual Reservoir

  6. 利用水文模拟技术生成的系列,对各种不同干旱持续长度的年径流,进行了频率分析,并对具有多年调节水库的龙羊峡水电站的水能规划设计进行了合理性检验。

    The frequency analysis for yearly runoff of various lengths of persistence has been made with synthetic series .

  7. 该方法对分时上网电价政策下,多年调节水库的调度运用具有推广价值。

    Therefore , the method has great significance for the operation of long-term storage reservoir under time-varying electricity price policy .

  8. 本文提出了多年调节水库在考虑丰枯分时上网电价条件下,如何确定年末消落水位的方法。

    A method to determine the year-end level with flood and dry power price for multi-year regulating storage reservoir is introduced in this paper .

  9. 为了克服传统预测方法的不足,采用遗传程序设计,建立了多年调节水库年末消落水位预测模型。

    In order to overcome the disadvantages of traditional prediction methods , genetic programming is used to predict the year-end level of overyear regulation reservoirs .

  10. 考虑丰枯分时电价的多年调节水库水电站长期优化调度模型可以确定出一个较优的年末消落水位,使水电站可靠出力提高,发电收益最大。

    The optimal long term operation model for multi-year regulating storage reservoir with flood and dry power price can determine a optimal year-end level so that the firm power and the income of power plant could be increased .

  11. 如湖南省东江水库系一大型多年调节水库,调节系数为1.3。

    For example , Dongjiang reservoir in Hunan Province is a multi-annual regulating reservoir with its regulation coefficient of 1 . 3 . The free capacity of the reservoir would be utilized for flood retention to decrease its outflow .

  12. 在分析多年调节水库水电站发电量与水库蓄能量关系的基础上,建立了确定梯级水库中多年调节水库年末消落水位的模糊多目标决策模型。

    Based on the analyses of the relationship between the power generation and the stored energy of multi-year regulating storage reservoirs , a fuzzy multi-objective decision-making model for year-end drawdown level of multi-year regulating storage reservoirs in cascade reservoirs is developed .

  13. 多年调节水电站水库长期优化调度新模型

    A New Model for Long term Optimal Operation of Overyear Regulation Reservoirs of Hydropower Stations