
  • Turbot;turbot fish;Flounder
  1. 去年在一些鱼中发现可致癌的孔雀石绿(用于某些鱼类的真菌感染治疗)以后,香港开始禁止进口多宝鱼。

    Hong Kong blocked imports of turbot last year after inspectors found traces of malachite green , a possibly cancer-causing chemical used to treat fungal infections , in some fish .

  2. 近年来,食品安全问题屡屡曝光,从三聚氰胺到瘦肉精,从多宝鱼到苏丹红等多个事件层出不穷。

    In recent years , food safety problem many times , from " the melamine to Clenbuterol ", from " fish " to " tonyred " and many other events emerge in an endless stream .