
bǔ cháng
  • compensate;reimbursement;reimburse;pay;reparation;indemnity;make up;make up for;restitution;make amends;atonement;make it up to sb
补偿 [bǔ cháng]
  • (1) [compensate;make up]∶在某方面有所亏失,而在另方面有所获得的叫补偿

  • (2) [pay]∶赔偿

  • 他的辛劳终于得到了很好的补偿

补偿[bǔ cháng]
  1. 失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。

    Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one .

  2. 他没有方法来补偿她。

    He did not have the means to compensate her .

  3. 应该强迫违法犯罪分子对社区作出补偿。

    Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community .

  4. 公司被勒令向以前的员工作出补偿。

    The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employees .

  5. 公司被勒令向以前的员工作出补偿。

    The company was ordered to pay compensation to its former employee .

  6. 必须给失业的工人足够的补偿。

    There must be adequate recompense for workers who lose their jobs .

  7. 为补偿原料成本的增加而提高了价格。

    Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials .

  8. 没有人表示要对失业矿工给予补偿。

    There was no attempt to recompense the miners for the loss of their jobs .

  9. 违法者对受害人亲属给予了适当的补偿。

    The offender made proper restitution to the victim 's kindred .

  10. 它没有钱去补偿所有人。

    It doesn 't have the money to indemnify everybody .

  11. 政府因为丢失照片而付给这家人一笔补偿金。

    The government paid the family an indemnity for the missing pictures .

  12. 公司宣布了一份投资和管理补偿的双重计划。

    The company announced a double-barreled investment and management-compensation plan .

  13. 他导致了他们的婚姻破裂,因此想作出补偿。

    He wanted to make amends for causing their marriage to fail .

  14. 我保证,我会补偿你的。

    I 'll make it up to you , I promise

  15. 她获判5,000英镑,作为遭到无理解雇的补偿。

    She was awarded £ 5,000 in compensation for unfair dismissal

  16. 他们要是老百姓的话,就一定会得到补偿。

    If they were in civvy street they would be compensated anyway .

  17. 他得到一年的工资作为失业补偿金。

    He received one year 's salary as compensation for loss of office

  18. 我坚持要求得到一大笔裁员补偿。

    I stuck out for a handsome redundancy package .

  19. 应该给受到需求锐减影响的英国农民提供补偿金。

    There should be compensation for British farmers hit by the slump in demand

  20. 如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。

    How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out .

  21. 该公司不得不为裁员支付4.72亿英镑的补偿款。

    The company has had to make redundancy payments of £ 472 million .

  22. 他们同意补偿纳税人的任何损失。

    They agreed to indemnify the taxpayers against any loss

  23. 通过调整税收可以作出补偿。

    Compensation could be made by adjustments to taxation

  24. 这项声明强调必须要有所补偿。

    The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo

  25. 钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。

    Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children .

  26. 海伦在公开组决赛中取胜,这对她早先的失败算是一种补偿。

    Helen gained some compensation for her earlier defeat by winning the final open class

  27. 为了缓解经济困难,农场主们损失的补贴会得到补偿。

    To ease financial difficulties , farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies .

  28. 因为昨晚过分的打扰,我必须对他有所补偿。

    I must make it up to him for the awful intrusion of last night .

  29. 这笔补偿金能向矿工或遇难矿工的家属每人赔偿100,000美元。

    The compensation bill offers the miners or their survivors as much as $ 100,000 apiece .

  30. 为补偿你为此承受的压力,你要申请额外的补偿金。

    Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused