
  • 网络recharge area;Feed Zone
  1. 利用同位素的高程效应,计算得到岩溶水补给区的补给高程为1500~1600m;

    It is calculated out by means of the altitude effectiveness of isotope , that the height of the karst water recharge area is about 1500 to 1600m .

  2. 平原内第四系地下水(Q4-Q1)从补给区到排泄区的87Sr/86Sr比值随着距离(年龄)增大而系统增大。

    The groundwater from Quaternary sediments ( Q4-Q1 ) in the plain shows a systematic increase in 87Sr / 86Sr ratio with the increasing distance and age from the recharge area to the discharge area of the plain .

  3. 济南市地下水补给区景观格局研究

    Study on landscape pattern in Groundwater Supply District of Jinan City

  4. 研究区是浅层地下水主要补给区。

    The studying area is the recharge area of shallow groundwater .

  5. 方解石、钠长石在补给区地下水中呈不饱和状态,在排泄区地下水中呈饱和状态。

    Calcite and albite are undersaturated in recharge areas and oversaturated in discharge areas .

  6. 防止水源补给区的各种污染;

    Prevent the pollution of supply area ;

  7. 甘南黄河重要水源补给区气候变化及其对水资源的影响

    Impact of Climate Changing to Water Resource in Yellow River Important Water Resources Supplies Area Gannan Plateau

  8. 济南泉域地下水补给区保护分级及核心保护区承载力分析

    Protection Level Classification of Groundwater Supply District and An Analysis of Core Section Carrying Capacity in Jinan Spring Region

  9. 断裂构造在地浸砂岩型铀矿的形成过程中既是地下水的补给区,也是地下水的排泄区。

    Fault structure can be both recharge area and discharge area of groundwater for the formation of in-situ sandstone-type uranium deposit .

  10. 济南市南部山区是济南市的城市生态屏障,城区泉群的地下水补给区。

    The south mountain region in Jinan City is not only the natural eco-defence of the whole city but also the groundwater supplying region .

  11. 运用离子比例系数法计算分析认为济南泉域补给区地下水的水动力条件要明显不同于排泄区。

    Ion proportional coefficient method was adapted , it was considered that the hydrodynamic conditions of groundwater recharge zone were significantly different with discharge areas .

  12. 在同一含水层内,沿着地下水的路径,从补给区到承压区,d值随着地下水年龄增大而增大。

    The d value increases with the age of the groundwater in same aquifer from recharge area to confined area along the path of water flow .

  13. 这种基岩地下水其氘剩余的低值可以解释为雨水在补给区的强烈再蒸发结果。

    The low values of residual deuterium in groundwater from the bedrock can be explained as a result of intenss re-evaporation'of precipitation in the recharge areas .

  14. 本文结合典型工程实例分别介绍了岩溶补给区,径流区和排泄区的地质危害特点、类型及相应的勘察方法。

    This article will mainly introduce , analyze endangering char-acterstices of karst and the investigating methods in recharge area , runoff area , drainage area through engineering examples .

  15. 结合植被图和地下水埋深分布图,具体分析了各生态亚区中地下水的补给区、过渡区、排泄区不同的生态特征及其面临的问题。

    In each zone , different vegetation composing features and ecological problems in groundwater recharge , transition , discharge areas are discussed separately , using spatial analysis of GIS .

  16. 依据地下水中各离子含量的比值特征的分析结果,控制本区地下水盐化的主要因素为硅酸盐矿物溶解和蒸发沉积作用,硅酸盐矿物溶解主要发生在沿河的地下水补给区;

    From the ionic ratio plot , it was showed that the dominant factors of determining the groundwater salinization in the study area were the silicate rock undergoing dissolving and evaporating-depositing .

  17. 应用环境氚评价地下水年龄时,要求重新补给区历年大气降水氚浓度,作为地下水系统的氚输入变量。

    When applying environmental tritium to assess the age of groundwater , the past years ' regional atmospheric precipitation recharge of tritium concentration should be taken as tritium input of the groundwater system .

  18. 粉煤灰及废渣堆放在焦作市北山饮用地下水补给区,严重影响了居民生活用水安全。

    The fly ash and the waste residue pile up in the Jiaozuo North Mountains which is the supplies area of underground drinking water , which has seriously influenced the inhabitant domestic water security .

  19. 对北山岩溶水系统,从补给区→径流区→排泄区,水温一般都小于15℃,局部排泄区可达18℃。

    For North Mountain karst water system , the water temperature is always less than 15 ℃ from recharge area to runoff area , and to discharge area , except some local discharge areas .

  20. 优化泉域内外地下水开采布局、人工调蓄补源、控制城区向直接补给区扩展等是保持泉水喷涌和保护水环境的主要措施。

    Furthermore , countermeasures and suggestions for water environment protection have been put forward , including exploitation layout optimizing , artificial reinjection , and to control Jinan urban area extending to the direct recharge district etc.

  21. 该水源地是我国北方一座大型城市的三大供水水源地之一,其主要水源&岩溶水目前已受到四氯化碳污染,主要污染源为一位于水源地补给区上的农药厂。

    A health assessment of carbon tetrachloride in a water-bearing basin has been executed by Using the developed software toolkit . This water-bearing basin is a main source of water supply in one north city in China .

  22. 作为黄河水源重要的补给区,位于黄河源区东南端的玛曲素有黄河蓄水池和生态源之美誉,是黄河流域的生态前沿和生态屏障。

    As the important water source supplying area of Yellow River , known as " impounding reservoir " and " ecological source ", Maqu , underneath Yellow River source , is the frontiers of ecology and ecological securities .

  23. 从地下水角度出发,指出造成黄河三角洲生态退化的主要原因是补给区的缺乏淡水补充、过渡区的土壤盐渍化和排泄区的海水入侵。

    From the point of groundwater , the ecological problems in YRD can be concluded as : lack of fresh water in groundwater recharge areas , soil salinization in groundwater transitional areas , and seawater intrusion in groundwater discharge areas .

  24. 西部岩溶裸露区为岩溶水的直接补给区,其周边浅埋区为岩溶水的间接补给区,东南部的岩溶中&深埋区为岩溶水的径流排泄区。

    It thinks that the west where cast is exposed is the direct recharging area and the the circumjacent where water level is shallow is the indirect recharging area and the southeast where water level is relatively deep is the discharging area .

  25. 通过对铝土矿为含矿岩系基底地层岩石、微量元素、矿物成分以及铝土矿中各种稳定组分富集率的研究认为,各矿带铝土矿都有各自的物源补给区。

    Dealing with the rocks of basement strata of ore-bearing rock series , trace elements , mineral composition and bauxite rate of enrichment in component , it is suggested that every mineral zone of bauxite holds its own recharge area of material sources .

  26. 评价结果显示,呼和浩特平原地下水可持续性程度空间分布差异很大,城区、西部经济开发区是可持续水平最差的地区:而山前补给区、大黑河流中上游地区,地下水的可持续性水平最好。

    Assessment results showed that , there was a big difference on spatial distribution of groundwater sustainability . In urban area and western economic development zone , the level was the worst , and the contrary in the Piedmont recharge area , Big Black River upstream region .

  27. 北京市西南城近郊是本市高硬度水主要分布区,也是北京平原区地下水主要补给区,浅层地下水水质恶化已成为影响本区经济发展的主要因素。

    The southwest suburb of Beijing is the main district of high hardness of water , and is the main recharge area of groundwater in Beijing Plain . The deterioration of shallow groundwater quality in the district has become the main factor that affects the suburbs ' development .

  28. 济南市南部山区地质地貌条件特殊,生态环境脆弱,但却是济南市泉群的地下水补给区和饮用水源保护区,水环境功能重要。

    The southern mountain area of Jinan has special geology and geomorphy , and its ecological environment is very fragile . But as the protection area of drinking water source , it can supply the groundwater to spring crowd of Jinan . Its water environment function is very important .

  29. 结果表明:清水河平原地下水水化学类型具有明显的水平分带性,地下水化学类型由补给区的重碳酸盐型水向排泄区的硫酸盐氯化物型水转变,地下水矿化度自南而北逐渐增高。

    The outcome shows that : the distribution of groundwater hydrochemical characteristic bears a character of horizontal zonality , the chemical type of groundwater changes from bicarbonate in recharge area to sulphate and halide in drainage area , TDS of groundwater grows up from south to north in this plain .

  30. 针对水质恶化,必须治理补给径流区污染源、减少新城区排污等措施。

    Measures of controlling pollution source in recharge-runoff area , reducing the new city sewage to be taken against water quality deterioration .