
měnɡ ɡǔ rén
  • Mongol;Mongolian
  1. 现在让我们来看看蒙古人征服的影响。

    Let us turn now to the influence of the Mongol conquests .

  2. 扎赉特旗蒙古人农耕定居后,物资交易有了新的特点。

    After farming settled , there are new characteristics with Jalaid Mongol .

  3. 受过教育的蒙古人完全了解荷兰病(Dutchdisease):在资源丰富的国家,其它产业遭到扼杀。

    Educated Mongolians know all about Dutch disease , the strangling of third industries in resource-rich countries .

  4. 后来的入侵者包括阿拉伯人(Arabs),突厥人(Turks)和蒙古人(Mongols),他们占领了这片土地。

    Later invaders included Arabs , Turks and Mongols , many of which settled the lands .

  5. 高加索人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(A3、B8等)由西向东又由北向南递减。东南亚蒙古人种起源的HLA抗原基因频率(B46等)由南向北递减。

    Frequencies of HLA alleles of Caucasoid origin ( A3 , B8 and others ) decrease eastwards and southwards , and those of HLA alleles of Southeast Asia Mongoloid origin ( B46 and others ) decrease northwards .

  6. 大多数蒙古人住在农村,多数人依然每天喜欢穿着民族服装:del(罩衫),gutul(高跟靴子)。

    The majority of the Mongolian population still live in the country , and most still prefer to wear the national costume on a daily basis , the del ( smock ) and gutul ( high boots ) .

  7. 与草原息息相关的蒙古人,对草原历来有自己的特殊量法。

    Mongols living in grassland have their own special scale measure .

  8. 蒙古人与马的亲密关系是其制霸的基石

    The cornerstone of the Mongolian supremacy was their relationship with horses

  9. 第二部分论文:什么使蒙古人动起来?

    Part Two Article : What Set the Mongols in Motion ?

  10. 蒙古人骑着摩托车驶过巨大的田野。

    Mongolian men riding a motorbike fleck an immense field .

  11. 回鹘人进一步同化、融合了部分契丹人、蒙古人。

    The Uighurs further assimilated a portion of the Khitans and Mongolians .

  12. 蒙古人在他们交际中使用语码转换源于很多原因和目的。

    Mongolians use code-switching in their interaction for many reasons and purposes .

  13. 论傣族谷物神话与谷物祭祀蒙古人的格斯尔崇拜

    On Grain Myth and Grain Worship of the Dai People

  14. 蒙古人一天最多可以喝10公升。

    Mongols can drink up to ten liters a day .

  15. 如果你恨蒙古人就意味着你恨你的父亲。

    If you hate Mongolian it means you hate your own father .

  16. 而现在,蒙古人和汉人的比例仅仅是1比6。

    now there is only one Mongol for every six Han Chinese .

  17. 还能欣赏到蒙古人表演的传统运动??摔跤。

    They can watch men from Mongolia demonstrate their sport of wrestling .

  18. 远东共和国时期的布里亚特&蒙古人

    Buriat-Mongol in the era of the Far East Republic

  19. 现代蒙古人深层意识中的萨满教宗教观念初探

    Influence of Shamanism on National Consciousness of Modern Mongolians

  20. 上校,我认为这些人都是蒙古人。

    Colonel , I think these people are mongols .

  21. 奶茶是蒙古人每餐必不可少的食物。

    Mongolians never have meals without tea with milk .

  22. 扎赉特旗蒙古人的出售和购买的商品中,农产品的比重越来越大。

    Thirdly , more and more farm produce had been traded by Mongol .

  23. 然而,蒙古人不喜欢中国,猜测中国在领土方面有不恰当的意图。

    Yet Mongolians dislike China and suspect it of having inappropriate territorial intentions .

  24. 古代蒙古人的岩石崇拜及其象征寓意

    Mongolian worship of rock in ancient times and its implied meaning of symbolization

  25. 第一章概述了古代蒙古人的居住和饮食两个方面。

    Chapter one summarized archaic Mongolian residing and diet .

  26. 历史&蒙古人和北方游牧人和中国人战斗了几千年。

    Historical-The Mongolians and northern nomads fought the Chinese for several thousand of years .

  27. 蒙古人一般经营畜牧业,生产畜产品。

    Mongol general operating livestock production and livestock .

  28. 来自国外工作的蒙古人的合法或非法汇款占了这些钱的很大一部分。

    Remittances from Mongolians working abroad both legally and illegally constitute a sizeable portion .

  29. 1480年他们推翻了蒙古人的统治。

    They threw off Mongol rule in1480 .

  30. 蒙古人还广泛进行公共工程的建设。

    The Mongols undertook extensive public works .