
lǜ shuǐ
  • lucid water;crystal-clear water;green river
  1. 要倡导尊重自然、爱护自然的绿色价值观念,让天蓝地绿水清深入人心,形成深刻的人文情怀。

    We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies , green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all .

  2. 方法孔雀绿染色法:将原头蚴分别用1%、2%和4%孔雀绿水溶液,在室温或36℃染色24h、48h和72h。

    Methods Malachite green stain-method : the protoscolices were stained at room temperature or 36 ℃ for 24 h , 48 h and 72 h with 1 % , 2 % and 4 % malachite green solution respectively .

  3. 要是我能跟绿水那小妖精一样走运就好喽。

    If I am as lucky as that tramp nok-su .

  4. 青山不老双新寿,绿水长荣一世人。

    New Castle is not the old two-shou , a green Evergreen world .

  5. 绿水公司是中国最专业的水处理设计公司和水处理工程公司。

    Greenwater Company is a leading company specialized in water project engineering and construction .

  6. 爱情的解构与重构&《绿水长流》与《锦绣谷之恋》比较

    Destruction and Reconstruction of Love

  7. 绿水公司为有志建设百年工程的机构提供专业的水处理设计及工程服务。

    Greenwater Company provides professional construction and engineering services for organizations with the ambition of constructing long-lasting projects .

  8. 昨天早晨的呕吐物,被形容为含有未消化的食物和绿水,无血。

    The vomitus of yesterday morning was described as containing indigested food and greenish water with no evidence of blood .

  9. 厨房的水池满是脏兮兮的绿水,几乎漾到了池外,那味道比白菜还难闻。

    The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water which smelt worse than ever of cabbage .

  10. 放眼青山,背依翠竹,绿水、苍松和翠竹把这栋普通农舍映衬得生气盎然。

    Look to castle peak , BeiYi bamboo , green water , pines and bamboo this ordinary farmhouse set off exuberant .

  11. 绿水是由于水中富含叶绿素的藻类大量滋生自然形成的。

    Green Water : Because of the water contains the larger amount of chlorophyl algae , it naturally propagates as green water .

  12. 这里的观音玉静瓶之圣水,讲沟壑滋润使青山叠翠,绿水泛彩。

    Here , jade Guanyin static bottles of holy water , talking to the Castle Peak Emerald moist ravines , pan-green water color .

  13. 在那如诗如画的世界里,我是否也会把沉闷的心事放逐绿水红漾,随波而去?

    In that picturesque world , I will also refer matters of the heart banish dull green water red ripples , the waves away ?

  14. 所有客房设计无不出自名师之手,青山融绿水,风格衬情怀。

    None of guest rooms not designed by the agile hands of famous masters , clear water mirrors green mountains , style reflects personal mood .

  15. 屋前荷花塘和南岸塘相毗邻,绿水滢滢,风过处,荡起缕缕涟漪。

    In front of the house lotus pond and adjacent to the south , green water Ying in pond , the wind Ying place , wisps caused ripples .

  16. 蓝水是指储存在地下蓄水层、湖泊、水坝中的水,而绿水是土壤中储存的水分,后者通常被忽视了。

    Blue water refers to water stored in aquifers , lakes and dams , and green water is the moisture stored in soil , which is conventionally ignored .

  17. 具体微观方面,需要提高绿水资源利用效率,因地制宜布局耗水型农业,优化和调整耗水型工业布局,切实做好水环境保护工作,预防水资源的过度开发。

    Micro-level , we should improve the use efficiency of green water , distribute water-density agriculture rationally , optimize the distribution of water-density industry and prevent over-exploitation of water resources and so on .

  18. 刘清华第一次尝试将中国海军建成一支“绿水”舰队,并最终发展成一支成熟的“蓝水”海军军队,能够远距离投射。

    From the harbor at Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China , the first aircraft carrier of the People 's Liberation Army Navy ( PLAN ) will soon set sail for the first time .